Arts module 2

Cards (15)

  • Theater
    Is a place or sphere of reenactment wherein significant events or actions are accompanied by music, dance, and production all working in one accord.
  • 1898
    when did shadow puppetry began taking roots in the philippines?
  • Carillio
    What was one of the first shadow puppet plays
  • Dr. Jose Rizal
    Who staged the first puppey plays on 1898
  • Shadow puppetry
    Is an ancient in art form.
  • Shadow puppetry
    It is dramatic entertainment typically performed on a moonless night during a town fiesta or on dark nights after a harvest.
  • Storytelling
    On what form is shadow puppetry is shadow play considered
  • Dance Drama
    Is a performance with scenes which are brought to life mainly through a dance.
  • Dance drama
    It often has dialogue and can sometimes have a portion of singing
  • Moro-Moro
    was believed to be created by Spanish priests.
  • Moro-Moro
    The earliest known form of organized theater featuring muslim-christian battles.
  • Comedia
    What is moro-moro sometimes called
  • sarswela or zarzuela
    it is considered the father of drama
  • Zarzuela
    Is a musical comedy or melodrama usually composed of three acts which all deal with men’s passion and emotions.
  • Senakulo or Cenaculo
    Is a dramatic performance portraying the passion and death of Jesus Christ.