The complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, law, art, moral, and custom, capabilities and acquired by man other habits as a member of society
It is socially transmitted and learned by groups of people, bound by ethnicity, geography, personal orientations
Bioecological Systems Theory
The theory explains the bioecological influence of individual systems to each other and posits five specific systems that shape an individual's sense of the self
Bioecological Systems Theory
Microsystems- refers to the institutions and social groups that the individual has direct contact and interaction with
Mesosystem- refers to the interconnections among aspects of the microsystems affecting the individual
Exosystem- refers to the social setting that an individual has no direct interaction with but nevertheless affect his/her development
Macrosystem- encompasses the larger cultural context in which the individual resides in
Chronosystems- focuses on patterns of environmental events
Observed to be competitive and self-reliant
Values relationship and harmony
I vs. ME
I -unsocialized self
ME- socialized self
Social Media
Websites and applications that make it easier to create and share information, ideas, and interests. It allows people to create other forms of self-expression via virtual communities and networks
Online Disembodiment
People may act differently since interaction in social media do not happen face to face and there is no physical presence required
Digital Identity
The identity a person claims in cyberspace
Online Disinhibition Effect
When people adopt fake identities, they are likely to engage in behaviors that they would not do in real life interactions
Online Disinhibition Effect
Benign disinhibition- when people tend to self-disclose more on the internet that they would in real life
Toxic disinhibition- they use rude language, bully or threaten others on online platforms, and go to websites with contents of violence, crime, and pornography
Material/Economic Self
People are likely to purchase products that can relate to their personality. Material possessions signify some aspects of one's self and identity
Needs vs Wants
Needs are those important for survival. Wants, however, are synonymous with luxuries