An object moving in a circular path at constant speed has a constantly changing velocity as velocity has both magnitude and direction, therefore the object must be accelerating (this is known as centripetal acceleration)
Centripetal force
The force that causes an object to move in a circular path, it always acts towards the centre of the circle
Angular speed (ω)
The angle an object moves through per unit time
The angle in the sector of a circle when the arc length of that sector is equal to the radius of the circle
Simple harmonic motion (SHM)
An object's acceleration is directly proportional to displacement and in the opposite direction
Displacement (x)
Measure of how far the object is from the equilibrium position
Amplitude (A)
The maximum displacement of the object from the equilibrium position
Maximum speed = ωA
Maximum acceleration = ω^2A
Simple pendulum
Small, dense bob of mass m hangs from a string of length l, oscillates with SHM if displaced by less than 10°
Mass-spring system
Kinetic energy converted to elastic and gravitational potential energy (vertical) or just elastic potential energy (horizontal)
In any SHM system, kinetic energy is transferred to potential energy and back as the system oscillates
Energy loss in an oscillating system, leading to reduced amplitude
Types of damping
Light (under-damping)
Heavy (over-damping)
Free vibrations
Oscillations with no external driving force, at the system's natural frequency
Forced vibrations
Oscillations due to an external driving force, with a driving frequency
Occurs when the driving frequency equals the natural frequency, leading to increased amplitude
Applications of resonance
Resonance can cause damage to structures
Effect of increased damping on resonance
Decreases maximum amplitude, shifts peak to lower frequencies, and broadens the peak