Catholics believe that God is three persons in one. They believe that God takes the form off the father, the son and the Holy Spirit
The word Trinity does not appear in the Bible until 100 years after Jesus‘ resurrection
The idea of the Trinity (God taking on three forms) does appear in the Bible but does not become a doctrine of the church until the 4th century
This idea first appears when Jesus was baptised in the Jordan by John the Baptist.
The father was present in the “voice from heaven” which said “you my son with whom I am well pleased”
The son was present in the person of Jesus
The Holy Spirit was present in the form of a “dove “descending from heaven”
Shortly before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave his apostles the instructions to “ go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT“
this is called “THE GREATCOMMISSION“ ~ Matthew
Saint Paul also referred to the three parts of the Trinity in his letter to the people of CORINTH
The disciples accepted the existence of the Trinity before they had a name for this belief ~
They were Jews ~ monotheistic
Claimed Jesus was God (“you are the Messiah”)
Watched Jesus pray to God the father and accepted this
received God the spirit at Pentecost who gave them courage