The expansion of the productivepotential of the economy
Economic growth
Can be depicted by an outwardshift in the PPF or an outwardshift in a country's LRAS curve
Short term growth
Calculated annually by the percentage change in real national output
Long term growth
A trend, which is a potential
Factors which cause economic growth
Increase in AD, either from domesticdemand or from trade
Improving the labour force, with a better quality and quantity to increase productivity. The larger the size of the labour force, the greater the productivepotential of the economy
Improvedtechnology, which is more productive
More investment, to fuel economic growth
Capital deepening which is an increase in the size of physical capital stock
Actual growth
The percentage increase in a country's real GDP and it is usually measured annually. It is caused by increases in AD.
Potential growth
The long run expansion of the productivepotential of an economy. It is caused by increases in AS. The potential output of an economy is what the economy could produce if resources were fullyemployed.
Export led growth
Occurs when countries openup their economies to the international market
One of the most famous examples of export led growth is China, which has had export led growth for many years
International trade
Countries can specialise where they have a comparativeadvantage, which increasesworldoutput and lowersaveragecosts
A country has comparativeadvantage when it can produce goods and services at a loweropportunitycost than another
Export led growth
The economy is unbalanced, since there is a surplus on the currentaccount on the balanceofpayments
Export led growth
The country relies on the economic state of othercountries, since these are the consumers of their goods and services. If there is a recession in a majorexportmarket, exportswillfall and so will economicgrowth