LO2 - Legally Required Benefits

Cards (7)

  • Legally required benefits
    are imposed upon organizations by the government and
    designed to help employees.
  • Legally required benefits
    • CPP/QPP​
    • Employment Insurance​
    • Workers’ Compensation​
    • Health Insurance Plans​
    • Holidays & Vacations​
  • CPP (Canada Pension Plan)

    is a mandatory plan for all self-employed persons and employees in Canada.
  • Employment Insurance (EI)

    helps to alleviate people’s financial problems during the transition from one job to another.
  • Worker's compensation
    in the event of personal injury by accident during their regular work.
  • Health Insurance Plans
    is provided by provincial governments with assistance from the federal government.
  • Holidays & Vacations
    usually based on the employee’s length of service. Also federally and provincially regulated.