Christianity is monotheistic, which means Christians believe in and worship only one God
One God in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Some Christians believe there is an authority structure within the Trinity, but others do not
Not all Christians believe in the Trinity - some feel that Jesus was not God
Christians believe that God created the world
Accounts of Creation
Gospel of John
Christians' beliefs about Creation
They are special because they are created in God's image
They should look after creation
Some Christians believe the accounts of Creation should be interpreted literally, while others think they should be interpreted metaphorically
Some Christians believe in the Fall - that Adam and Eve's sin caused human nature to become damaged
Problem of evil and suffering
It is hard to explain why, if God is powerful, loving, and righteous, he allows evil and suffering to exist
Some Christians believe that evil and suffering exist as a consequence of the Fall and original sin
The Messiah (anointed one) who came to save humanity from sin
Christians refer to Jesus as 'Lord' and believe he is the Son of God - most of them believe that he is God
Jesus showed Christians that they should love others, regardless of who they are, and regardless of the circumstances - agape
Many of Jesus' teachings can be found in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7
Jesus was the incarnation of God: God in the flesh
Because of the Incarnation, Christians may feel that they know what God wants through Jesus' teaching, and that they are saved through his sacrifice
Christians believe that Jesus was crucified, buried, and then rose back to life
After being witnessed by his disciples and giving them instructions, Jesus ascended to heaven
Christians believe that Jesus' death and resurrection saved them, and allowed them to have a relationship with God
Christians have different views on whether God only extends salvation to a few, or whether it is available to all who seek it and Jesus and the Holy Spirit in their lives
Many Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled the Jewish law so that Christians could now be saved through Jesus, rather than by following rules
Christians believe that salvation is an extension of God's grace
Christians believe that all humans need saving because all have sinned