
Cards (16)

  • Pysch Being Investigated
    operant conditioning: learning from outcome of our beh
    -positive reinforcers: food/praise likely to repeat
    -negative reinforcers: unpleasant removed/avoided

    theory help explain how we develop complex beh, and how they are shaped

    -punishment used w pain bamboo stick; increased interest in reward-based training using protected contact rather than free
    IMPROVE psych well-being of elephants
  • Background
    secondary positive reinforcement (SPR) training: associate specific sound with food
    -conditioned to sound marker relationships, used to reward w food on its own as marker indicates to animal it has correctly performed desired behavior

    -investigate use of SPR training to teach elephants to reliably and voluntarily engage in trunk washing procedure maintain well-being

    -diagnosing treating illnesses: detecting tuberculosis through trunk wash
  • Aim
    see whether free-contact, trad trained elephants can be trained to participate in a trunk wash using positive reinforcement
  • Research Method
    controlled observation
    -researchers watched eleph beh in response to spec stimulus
    -used behavioral checklist to record eleph responses as a percentage pass (structured)
  • Sample
    5 female eleph; 4 juvenille (5-7) and 1 adult (50s)
    -eleph stable in Nepal
    -docile, not currently pregnant/looking after calf
    -trad trained in contact w mahouts
    -no prev exp w SPR
    -day spent grazing w mahout, rest leg-chained in stable free to move 6-8ft
  • Procedure
    SPR: chopped banana primary reinforcer; whistle blow secondary reinforcer
    -indoor sessions 4pm-7pm by trainer w mahout for safety no speak/signal

    eleph chose not to engage in session
    -did not go longer than 2 days w/o training
  • Procedure methods
    after est marker-reward relationships (banana-whistle) taught 3 mthds:

    capture: waiting animal to perform beh naturally then 'capturing' by marking w reward

    lure: non-natural beh, 'lured' into certain body pos by placing reward in certain place

    shaping: after capture/lure rewards only give for beh that are 'best' incrementally closer to goal beh
  • Procedure task
    trunk here (lure w chopped banana hand): allow saline/water instilled into trunk by placing end in trainers hand

    trunk up (lure/shaping lift banana above head): allow saline/water to run to base of trunk

    bucket (lure w chopped banana bottom): allow placement of trunk into bucket ready to exhale

    blow (capture/shaping wait natural exhale): to exhale the sample for collection

    steady (shaping extending period pos/beh held): allow eleph hold pos for req amt of time
  • Procedure Tog
    3 other tasks (targeting, trunk down/out) discarded partway not essential to performance of trunk wash
    -paired with verbal cue, one syllable, no meaning

    est, beh tg in small sequences (behavior chaining): chance to earn sec beh gain reward
    -sep pair, put tg in longer seq

    usage of syringe in trunk-here pos (desensitation method): brought closer into trunk, touching, inserted increasing amts till full 60ml req
    -avoid drinking offered drinks before training ses
  • Procedure Time
    no time limit, determined by success (training plans varied according to individual eleph needs)
    -rec length of each training session + total # of times elephant given cue
    after ses 10:
    -tested aprrox every 5 sessions on prev taught beh
    -passing score 80% req for passed, higher training complete
  • Results
    4 juvenile elephants successfully learned trunk wash, adult didnt
    -eleph 2/4 never passed steady test, but passed full trunk wash

    elephant 5 (adult) didnt pass blow into bucket, desensitation to syringe, or steady test
    -factors: older had visual impairment, trunk weakness
    -reported distracted/impatient last week, foot abscess, interrupted by calf
  • Results scores
    some behavioral tasks more difficult than others
    -trunk here required more offers/cues than bucket/blow into bucket
    gradually improved perf over time
    -mean success rate went from 39% after 10 ses to 89.3% after 35 ses
    *never reached 100 as 90% default to indiv beh
  • Conclusion
    juvenile free contact, trad trained eleph can be trained to participate in a trunk was using only SPR
    -can be carried out w voluntary participation of eleph, avoiding punishment, prod reliable results
  • Strengths
    controlled observation: high replicability (flexible could affect)

    validity: mahouts asked no signals/speak, limits demand char
    -ecological validity: natural setting, beh reflect how react real life sit

    quantitative data: prov obj analysis whether SPR suc method, easier to analyze
  • Weakness
    low generalizability: small sample of female eleph
    -captive from one eleph stable not representative of gen pop

    practical challenges: impose risk to themselves/humans due to size although docile + hard to control from distractions

    training sessions flexible (suit mood/ability): experience of trainer personalities/conditions eleph were kept affect results/reliability

    subjective assessment criteria: based on trainers judgement/sufficient quality of trunk wash affect validity
  • Ethics
    well treated:
    -graze freely, fed properly, socialize, were captive

    actively avoided punishment & focused on training method
    -minimized harm to animals