Pelage- guard hairs are the outer layer of hair on mammals. Quills are modified guard hairs on porcupines and bristles are modified gaurd hairs on a lions mane
Pelage- Underfur soft fur underneath the outer coat of a mammal, lambs
Pelage- vibrissae are whiskers and mechanoreceptors
Buccal side - towards the cheek
Lingual side - towards the tongue
Canines - tear
Incisors - cut
Molars - grind
occlusion - fit of teeth
cusp - cutting edge of teeth
diastema - gap between incisors and molars
Diphyodont - 2 sets of teeth
Heterodont- teeth different
Carnassial Teeth- 4th upper molar and 1st lower molar modified to form a blade-like tooth, used for shearing
Thecodont- teeth in sockets
Dentary - Lower jaw
Auditory bullae - houses internal ear structures
Foreman magnum - big hole in skull connects the spinal cord to the brain
occipital condyles- the polished sides of the foreman magnum
olfaction - smell
synapsid - 1 temporal fenestrae
turbinate bones- found in snout, warms air and conserves water in exhalation
sudoriferous gland- sweat gland
sebaceous gland- oil glands
Quadraped- Foreman Magnum horozontal to the ground
Biped- walk erect, foramen magnum dorsal relative to the ground
Atlas- superior of spine, inside neck
diaphragm - sepate lungs cavity from organs in abdominal cavity, creates negative pressure in lungs. Allows animal to vomit
Cervical - neck spine
intervertebral discs- cushion the spine twist and bend