context clues

Cards (117)

  • context clues
    information a reader can get from reading that helps show what a word or group of means
  • some types of context clue

    - helping words or punctuation
    - opposite or same meaning
    - own experience
    - sentences before or after
    - definition provided
    - examples given
  • definition
    is explained by using a more familiar word or phrase
  • restatement or synonym
    The meaning is usually right after the unfamiliar word and often separated from the rest of the sentence with commas, dashes, or parentheses; sometimes, or that is, or in other words is used.
  • comparison
    is shown to be the same as or like another word
  • signals used to the comparison
    too, like, as, similar to, in the same way
  • contrast or antonym
    The unfamiliar word is shown to be different from or unlike another word, and is often an opposite
  • signals used to the antonym

    but, however, although, otherwise, unless, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, while, never, no, or not may be used to signal contrast.
  • example
    is cleared up by giving an example
  • signals used to the example

    for instance, such as, for example
  • list or series
    The unfamiliar word is included in a series of related words that give an idea of the word's meaning
  • cause and effect
    is signated by a cause and effect relationship
  • description or inference
    The meaning of an unfamiliar word can be inferred from the description of a situation or experience.
  • using dictionary
    - look at the preface and notes
    - known definition of a word
  • 1.1 guide words
    listed alphabetically
  • 1.2 main or word entries
    - words that are explained
    - appear in boldface (dark)
  • 1.3 parts of speech - 9 abbreviation
    noun, pronoun, interjection, conjunction, adjective, adverb, preposition, intransitive verb, transitive verb
  • 1.4 spelling

    proper way of spelling including the grammar
  • using the thesaurus
    - best place to look for synonym and antonym
    - opposite of dictionary
    - know the definition but not the word
  • using the internet
    - provide many different types of information
    -via the www
  • meaning of WWW
    World Wide Web
  • different types of research coming under the category of purpose
    1. descriptive
    2. analytical
    3. exploratory
    4. predictive
  • descriptive1
    includes fact
  • descriptive2
    answer what why who when how and all
  • descriptive3
    has no control over the variable
  • descriptive4
    only to report what is happening
  • descriptive5
    use frequencies, averages, satistical calculations
  • descriptive6
    methods include survey and all kind of comparative
  • subdivisions of descriptive research

    survey research, the case study, correlational study, comparative study
  • analytical1
    mainly carrying of analysis, involves secondary data
  • analytical2
    aim is to understand by discovering and measuring causal relations
  • analytical3
    use facts or info readily to analyze and make critical evaluation
  • analytical4
    explain existing state of affairs from available data
  • subdivisions of analytical research

    historical research, philosophical research, review, research synthesis
  • research synthesis
    analysis of the review already published
  • exploratory1
    design is conducted about a research problem
  • exploratory2
    focus on gaining insights and familiarity
  • predictive1
    determine the frequency with something occurs or its association with something else
  • predictive2
    able to define clearly what he wants to measure
  • predictive3
    statistical tools, includes regression, linear regression, logistic regression