information a reader can get from reading that helps show what a word or group of means
some types of context clue
- helping words or punctuation
- opposite or same meaning
- own experience
- sentences before or after
- definition provided
- examples given
is explained by using a more familiar word or phrase
restatement or synonym
The meaning is usually right after the unfamiliar word and often separated from the rest of the sentence with commas, dashes, or parentheses; sometimes, or thatis, or in other words is used.
is shown to be the same as or like another word
signals used to the comparison
too, like, as, similar to, in the same way
contrast or antonym
The unfamiliar word is shown to be different from or unlike another word, and is often an opposite
signals used to the antonym
but, however, although, otherwise, unless, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand, while, never, no, or not may be used to signal contrast.
is cleared up by giving an example
signals used to the example
for instance, such as, for example
list or series
The unfamiliar word is included in a series of related words that give an idea of the word's meaning
cause and effect
is signated by a cause and effect relationship
description or inference
The meaning of an unfamiliar word can be inferred from the description of a situation or experience.