determined by how human resource planning, placement, training and development, evaluation, and compensation is handled
Human resource initiatives
such as policies on workplace and sexual harassment, conflict resolution procedures, and employee involvement programs – play an important role in enhancing employee relations
Strategic Importance of Employee Relations Practices
Improve productivity
Implementation of Organizational Strategies
Reduce employment costs
Help employees grow and develop
Improve productivity
Productivity is significantly impacted by ability and attitude
Implementation of Organizational Strategies
Goals and strategies are communicated
Employees provide commitment
Reduce employee costs
Reduced absenteeism and turnover
Provides recruitment advantage
Help employees grow and develop
Help employees achievepersonal goals
Improve morale, loyalty & productivity
Five Key Dimensions of Employee Relations
Employee involvement
Employee communication
Employee counselling
Employee Discipline
Employee rights
Downward communication
information that begins at some point in the organization and proceeds down the organizational hierarchy to inform or influence others.
Downward communication
In-House publications
Prerecorded messages
Electronic communication
Social media / Mobile Devices
Information sharing and open-book management
Upward Communication
consists of information initiated by people who seek to inform or influence those higher up in the organization’s hierarchy.
is an informal system that arises spontaneously from
the social interaction of people in the organization.