Benefits of Relational Programs
Parents are most consistent and important relationships in a child's life- therapists will come and go over time
Takes place during small chunks of time spread throughout everyday
Dynamic not static interactions-predictable but not robotic
Focus on developmental age NOT chronological age
Follows developmental order of social skills (ex. Babbling before speaking)
Provide opportunities for child to discover that social interactions are pleasant and meaningful and that they can influence others' behavior
Child discovers that looking, pointing, smiling, taking turns, etc. is useful to initiate, maintain or repair an interaction, receive valuable information about the world ("opening and closing circles of communication"=serve and return)
NEVER forced- focus on intrinsic motivation with consent
The quality of the relationship/trust is always more important than the behavior
Improves emotional connection/trust/communication between parent and child (extended family members may also be involved)
Over time children become more socially engaged, flexible, playful and open to guidance from parents
Relieves stress for the entire family system, promotes bonding between family members