
Cards (23)

  • Gene therapies
    Processes that use introduction/alteration of DNA sequences to create a therapeutic benefit
  • Regenerative medicine
    Medicine that seeks to restore tissue structure and function and provide options for what were previously untreatable injuries or diseases
  • Cell therapy
    Transfer of live cells that have often been modified or grown outside of the body for gene therapy, and/or tissue bioengineering
  • Sickle cell disease
    Recessive inherited blood disorder that effects hemoglobin and is caused by an SNP
  • Casgevy
    The first ever FDA approved CRISPR treatment that was approved for the treatment of sickle cell anemia
  • iPSCs
    Induced pluripotent stem cells that are made to be pluripotent in a lab
  • Yamanaka factors
    Transcription factors that are master regulators used to create iPSC
  • Master regulators
    Transcription factors that can make cells pluripotent
  • Molecular chaperones
    Molecules that bind and release proteins repeatedly to to help them fold into the most stable form
  • Hydrophobic regions
    The parts of proteins can be bound by molecular chaperones to prevent them from aggregating until the protein has folded correctly
  • Heat shock proteins
    Group of molecular chaperones that create folding chambers for proteins
  • Paracrine
    Cell signaling type that involves secreted factors limited to a local range
  • Juxtacrine
    Cell signaling that is mediated by contact and not secrete diffusible factors
  • Autocrine
    A type of cell signaling that occurs when a cell produces signaling factors that affect itself
  • Nuclear receptors
    Usually transcription factors. Ligands binding to them results in a change in control of transcription
  • Integrins
    Transmembrane proteins that help cells adhere to the extracellular matrix
  • Anoikis
    A term for apoptosis that occurs in response to a loss of adhesion to other cells. Aka death due to lack of integrin signaling
  • Morphogens
    Paracrine factors that influence cell fate
  • GTPases
    Proteins that are turned on when bound to GTP and turned off when bound to GDP
  • GAPs
    Proteins that promote turning GTPases off
  • GEFs
    Proteins that promote turning GTPases on
  • Kinases
    Proteins that add phosphates form ATP to particular amino acids
  • Phosphatases
    Proteins that remove phosphate groups from particular amino acids