Function: Responsible for transport of blood cells, absorbed foodmolecules,carbondioxide,hormones and urea.
Red Blood Cells
Contain Haemoglobin which is rich in iron, that carries oxygen.
Biconcave shape provides large surface area for oxygen diffusion.
No nucleus- more space for oxygen diffusion.
Function: Carry oxygen around the body.
White Blood Cells
Description: Phagocytes engulf and digest microorganisms during a process called phagocytosis. Lymphocytes produce antibodies.
Function: 2 types, both defendagainstdiseases.
Description: Very small structures
Function: Important in blood clotting and formation of scabs. Converting protein fibrinogen to fibrin forms mesh network that traps other blood components.
Carry blood away from the heart.
Carry oxygenated blood.
Have a thick layer of muscle and many elastic fibres,
Smalllumen inside for blood to flow.
Blood flows at high pressure due to action of the heart.
Connect arteries and veins.
Carry both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood,
Walls only one cell thick.
Lumen diameter of a redbloodcell.
Low blood pressure and slow speed to allow exchange of materials.
Carry blood back to the heart.
Carry deoxygenated blood.
Thin layer of muscle and few elastic fibres.
Largelumen inside for blood to flow.
Blood flows at low pressure.
Have valves to stop the backflow of blood.
Double circulation - Blood travels through the heart twice in one circulation.