Words, like sentences and clauses, have a predictable internalstructure
The plural marker on nouns occurs at the end of a word (e.g. law+s), while what are known as derivational affixes can occur at either the beginning or the end of a word (e.g. un law+ful)
The creation of dictionaries falls within the province of lexical semantics, an area of linguistics concerned with the study of the meaning of individual words
Lexicographers, those who create dictionaries, have developed methodologies for discovering the meanings of words and most effectively presenting these meanings to users of dictionaries
It is equally important to study the specific processes, known as word formation processes, that describe the ways that new vocabulary are added to a language
Types of meaning
Grammatical meaning
Pragmatic meaning
Grammatical meaning
Meaning that can be deriveddirectlyfromthewords, phrases, clauses, and sentences in which language is encoded
Pragmatic meaning
Meaning as a product of the socialcontext in which languagetakesplace
The dictionarysense of a word
The associations a wordevokes
Types of meaning (Lyons)
Descriptive meaning
Related to grammaticalmeaning
Social meaning
Serves to establish and maintainsocialrelations
The smallestunit of meaning
Can be free or bound
Freemorphemes can standontheirown
Bound morphemes must be attachedtoafreemorpheme
The part of a wordwhichanaffixisattachedto
Some words may contain more than one base, and somebases are (arguably) abound rather than a free morpheme
Compound words
Words with Latin roots
Inflectional morphemes
Grammatical morphemes that indicate some kind of grammatical relationship
Derivational morphemes
Can be either prefixes or suffixes, can change the meaning of a word or its part of speech
A word can contain manyderivationalaffixes, but onlyoneinflectionalaffix; and if a word contains an inflectional suffix and one or more derivational suffixes, the derivational suffixes will always precede the inflectional suffixes
What is back formation?
A process of removing suffixes and prefixes
What is the most common outcome of back formation?
Creating a new verb from an existing noun
What are examples of back formation?
Editor → Edit
Occupant → Occupy
Examination → Examine
Babysitter → Babysit
Why is back formation important in English grammar?
How does back formation help in understanding word meanings?
By breaking words into their component parts
What is the conclusion of the study material?
Does Anyone Have A Question?
What is the source of the definition of back formation?
Cambridge Dictionary
What is another source mentioned for back formation examples?
What is the last source mentioned in the study material?