What is the Scrooge quote that links to the themes:
- selfishness and materialism
"Squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner" (stave 1)
- asyndetic list highlights his selfish and avaricious (greed) character. It portrays scrooges immoral characteristics as ongoing, casting him as unrepentant "sinner"
- use of the 7 negative adjectives mirrors how there are 7 deadly sins, which were seen in the bible as the root of all evil. As the foundations of Victorian morality was religion , the parallels between Scrooge and the sins are used by dickens to highlight how the rich, symbolised by Scrooge, are more inclined towards moral transgression (going against moral) than the poor.
- dickens implicitly critiques societal structures, such as the 1834 poor law, was were ironically designed to address the perceived sin and laziness of the poor
- verbs "squeezing" and "wrenching" connote a struggle, this illustrates how Scrooge struggles to see the detrimental consequences of his frugality and thus, his role in perpetuating social inequality