Shared culture, identity, history. See themselves as a distinct group
Ethnic groups by achievement
Black and Pakistani do worst
Chinese and Indians do best
White = average, because they form the majority of the school population
Factors explaining ethnic differences in achievement
Internal factors
External factors
Main external factors
Materialdeprivation and Class
Cultural deprivation
Inadequatesocialisation, including intellectual and language skills, and attitudes, values and family structure
Intellectual and language skills
Children from low-income black families lack intellectual stimulation, fail to develop reasoning and problem-solving skills
Language of black American families is ungrammatical and disjointed, children unable to express abstract ideas – barrier to educational progress
Children who do not speak English at home may be held back
Attitudes, values and familystructure
Most socialised into mainstream culture – instils competitiveness and desire to achieve
Fatalism and immediate gratification: subculture some black children socialised is fatalistic, focused immediate gratification, resulting lack motivation
Lack malerolemodel: encourage Afro-Caribbean boys to anti-educationalmacho 'gang culture'
Culture of poverty: Moynihan absence male role model of achievement in black matrifocal LPF produce inadequatelysocialised children who fail at school, become inadequate parents themselves, and perpetuate a culture of poverty
Impact of slavery: Black Caribbean culture less resistant to racism because of experience of slavery, many have lowself-esteem and underachieve
Asian families: Sewell Chinese and Indian pupils benefit supportive families with 'Asianworkethic' contrasts with black LPF – lack fatherly nurturing, streetgangs offer alternative perverse loyalty and love
White working class pupils
Underachieve because: lower aspirations, result white working-class culture, lacking parental support
Compensatory education
Educational policy aims to counter effects culturaldeprivation, based on assumption under-achievement caused by cultural deprivation
Examples of compensatory education
Operation Head Start (USA)
Sure Start (UK)
Victim blaming: minority ethnic children culturally different, not deprived. Under achieve as school is ethnocentric
Cultural exclusion: ethnic minorities at a disadvantage less aware how to negotiate British education system. Results cultural exclusion rather than deprivation. Example: complex school application forms
Cultural domination: imposes dominant white m.c. culture on minority ethnic pupils own
Material deprivation
Lack physical/economic resources essential normal life in society
EM 2X likely be unemployed, face discrimination in housing and labour markets
Whilst class plays a part doesn't override influence ethnicity e.g. m.c. black pupils do less well at GCSE than white or Asianmiddle class
Racism in widesociety
Face direct and indirectdiscrimination at work and in the housing market
Internal factors
Ethnocentricity and institutionalracism
Interactionists focus small-scale, face-to-face interactions e.g. pupils and teachers. Interested impact label has e.g. Black pupils = disruptive, Asian pupils = passive
Negative racist labels, teachers may treat pupilsdifferently, disadvantaging them, and bringing a SFP. Leads underachievement Studies into both Black and Asian pupils
Labelling of black pupils
Teachers 'racialised expectations' expecting more discipline problems, and saw their behaviour as threatening. Black pupils more likely to be punished for same behaviour. Felt like their ability was underestimated and they were picked on
Labelling of Asian pupils
Stereotyped and treated differently. Assumed would have poor English skills so used simplistic language when speaking to them. Mispronounced children's names. Saw them as a problem they could ignore. Result: Asian children especially girls, marginalised, prevented participating fully, affecting their self-esteem
Pupil subcultures
Reaction racist labelling
Responses of black boys to racistlabelling
Conformists: keen succeed, accepted schools' goals and had friends' different ethnicities
Innovators: pro-education, anti-school. Valued success, but not teachers'approval
Retreatists: disconnected from both school and black subcultures outside it
Rebels: rejected schools' goals and rules, turning to 'black macholad' stereotype. Aim achieve status of 'street hood'
Only a minority 'black macho lad', but teachers tended see all of them this way, resulted under-achievement because of discrimination
Some remain committed to succeeding despite racist labelling, criticises the view that labelling is deterministic
Institutional racism
Discrimination built into way institutions such as schools run/operate, can be on unconscious level
Ways institutions can be racist
Ethnocentric curriculum
Selection and segregation
Access to opportunities
The new IQism
Ethnocentric curriculum
Priority to white culture and English language.NationalCurriculum is 'specifically British' teaches culture of host community. History curriculum British schools recreating 'mythical age of empire and past glories', same time ignoring history black and Asian people. Result: EM feel they, their culture and their identity no valued, diminishing their sense of self-esteem, negative effect on educational achievement
Not clear what the impact of ethnocentric curriculum is as Asian, Indian and Chinese cultures still achieve above average
Selection and segregation
Marketisation gives schools ability to select pupils, negative stereotypes influence decisions. Leads to ethnic segregation
The new IQism
Secondary schools using old-school intelligence IQ tests to allocate students to different streams. False assumption potential is fixed quality that can be measured. Black pupils more likely to be placed in a lower stream as a result