Role conflict/role ambiguity, level of responsibility
Includes under- or over-promotion, job security, overall job satisfaction
Includes supervisors/co-workers/subordinates, threat of violence or harassment
Participation (or not) in decision-making, management style, communication patterns
is a condition of mental, emotional, and sometimes physical exhaustion that results from substantial and prolonged stress.
describes an employee who is able to come to work but is inhibited from achieving optimal levels of productivity due to ongoing health issues
Stress and Job Performance
Can be helpful or harmful depending on amount of stress experienced
When there is no stress, job challenges are absent and performance tends to be low
Curative methods
Try to correct the outcomes of stress (e.g., availability of exercise, counselling services)
Preventive measures
Attempt to change the cause of stress (e.g., stress management training)
Stress Audit
Identifies the causes of stress
HR Actions to Reduce Stress
Compatible workload
Job design
Define roles
Participate in decisions
Social Interaction
Workout schedules
Provide training
Establish policy
Mental health costs the Canadian economy about $50 billion a year and $6 billion annually for lost productivity resulting from mental health absenteeism.
Approximately 6.7 million Canadians have a mental health problem or illness
About half a million Canadians are absent in any given week as a result of mental health issues
Around 30% of disability claims and 70% of disability costs are attributable to mental illness
Fitness and Employee Wellness Programs
Improve employee health
Decrease health care costs
Improve employee satisfaction
Decrease absenteeism and turnover
Improve corporate image
Reduce disability claims
Other Contemporary Safety Issues
Workplace Violence and Security
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
Sick building syndrome
is used to describe situations in which employees
experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to the length of time spent in a building but no specific illness or cause can be
An area of health and safety that is attracting more attention.