nutrients is the process which organism obtain food and energy for growth, repair and maintenance of the body
nutrition consists of the following processes: ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation
ingestion, food is taken into the body
digestion, largefoodmolecules are brokendown into smaller soluble molecules
absorption and assimilation, digested food molecules are absorbed into the cell, these food molecules are converted into new protoplasm or used to provideenergy
egestion, undigested food is removed from the body
digestion of food begins in the mouth by the teeth, salivary gland and tongue
pharynx connects the buccal cavity to the esophagus and larynx
airpasses to the trachea while foodpasses into the oesophagus
stomach secretes gastric juice containing hydrochloricacid which breaksdownproteins
small intestine has three parts; duodenum, jejunum and ileum and is 6m long
larynx has a slitlikeopening called glottis covered by the epiglottis
during swallowing the larynx moves upwards and the epiglottis covers the glottis
the walls of the oesophagus is made up of two layers of muscles: longitudinal and circular
amylase digest starch
the stomach is a distensible muscular bag
food in the stomach is digested by gastric juices secreted by the gastricglands
large intestine consists of colon and rectum it is 1.5m long
liver, gall bladder and pancrease help in digestion of food in the gut
liver is made up of 5 lobes, and the cells of the liver secretes bile
gallbladder store bile temporarily
pancrease secretes pancreatic juices which help digest food