Cards (140)

  • What is the basic purpose of accounting?
    To provide information that is useful in making economic decisions.
  • What are the three important activities included in the definition of accounting?
    Identifying, measuring, and communicating.
  • How does the American Association of Accountants define accounting?
    As the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information.
  • What does the term 'recognition' refer to in accounting?
    Including the effects of an accountable event in financial statements through a journal entry.
  • What is an accountable event in accounting?
    An event that affects the assets, liabilities, equity, income, or expenses of an entity.
  • What types of events are emphasized and recognized in accounting?
    Only economic activities.
  • What are external events in accounting?
    Events that involve an entity and another external party.
  • What is a reciprocal transfer in accounting?
    An event where there is a giving and receiving of economic resources between an entity and an external party.
  • What is a non-reciprocal transfer?
    A "one way" transaction where one party gives something without receiving anything in return.
  • What are internal events in accounting?
    Events that do not involve an external party.
  • What does measuring in accounting involve?
    Assigning numbers, normally in monetary terms, to economic transactions and events.
  • What is the most commonly used measurement basis in accounting?
    Historical cost.
  • How are financial statements prepared in terms of costs and values?
    Using a mixture of costs and values.
  • What is the role of estimates in accounting measurement?
    Estimates provide relevant information and affect the valuation of items.
  • What is the process of communicating in accounting?
    Transforming economic data into useful accounting information for dissemination to users.
  • What are the three aspects of the communicating process in accounting?
    Recording, classifying, and summarizing.
  • What is the basic purpose of financial statements?
    To provide useful information for making economic decisions.
  • What is the definition of an economic entity?
    A separately identifiable combination of persons and property that uses or controls economic resources.
  • What are the two types of economic entities?
    Not-for-profit entities and business entities.
  • What are economic activities in accounting?
    Activities that affect the economic resources and obligations of an economic entity.
  • What is quantitative information in accounting?
    Information expressed in numbers, quantities, or units.
  • What is qualitative information in accounting?
    Information expressed in words or descriptive form.
  • What is general purpose accounting information?
    Information designed to meet the common needs of most statement users.
  • What is special purpose accounting information?
    Information designed to meet the specific needs of particular statement users.
  • What is the role of external sources in financial statements?
    Some information is obtained from external sources, such as fair value measurements.
  • How is accounting viewed as a science?
    As a body of knowledge that has been systematically gathered, classified, and organized.
  • How is accounting viewed as an art?
    It requires the use of creative skills and judgment.
  • What does accounting as an information system involve?
    Identifying and measuring economic activities, processing information into financial reports, and communicating these reports.
  • Why is accounting referred to as the "language of business"?
    Because it is fundamental to the communication of financial information.
  • What is the importance of creative and critical thinking in accounting?
    It is essential for problem-solving and evaluating alternative solutions.
  • What are the steps in problem solving in accounting?
    1. Recognizing a problem
    2. Identifying alternative solutions
    3. Evaluating the alternatives
    4. Selecting a solution from among the alternatives
    5. Implementing the solution
  • What are accounting concepts?
    Principles upon which the process of accounting is based.
  • What is the double-entry system in accounting?
    Each accountable event is recorded in two parts - debit and credit.
  • What is the going concern assumption?
    The entity is assumed to carry on its operations for an indefinite period of time.
  • What is the separate entity concept in accounting?
    The entity is viewed separately from its owners.
  • What is the stable monetary unit assumption?
    Assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses are stated in terms of a common unit of measure, which is the peso in the Philippines.
  • What is the time period concept in accounting?
    The life of the entity is divided into series of reporting periods.
  • What does the materiality concept refer to in accounting?
    Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence economic decisions.
  • What is the cost-benefit concept in accounting?
    The cost of processing and communicating information should not exceed the benefits derived from it.
  • What is the accrual basis of accounting?
    The effects of transactions are recognized when they occur, not when cash is received or paid.