LO4 - The Collective Bargaining Process

Cards (8)

  • A union exists only when workers create it
  • During regular working hours, employees are not allowed to discuss unionization with co-workers
  • Other techniques are used to encourage workers to sign authorization cards including handbills, speechesconversations, and home visits
  • A union is typically certified either on the basis of card signatures or as a result of an election
  • Prior to union organizing campaigns, there are often signs of employee interest:​
    • Turnover and absenteeism rates are higher than industry/community norms​
    • Employee satisfaction surveys show that employees are dissatisfied​
    • Pay and benefits are below average​
    • Ineffective procedures for resolving employee complaints​
  • Unfair Labour Practices (MANAGEMENT)
    • Interfering in the formation of a union​
    • Financial contribution ​
    • Discriminating based on union membership ​
    • Intimidating or coercing an employee to join or not join​
  • Unfair Labour Practices (UNION)
    • Trying to bargain when the union is not the certified agent​
    • Persuading employees during working hours, or at the workplace to join or not join​
    • Illegal strikes​
    • Failing to represent employees fairly
  • Legal recognition or bargaining rights may be obtained in three ways: ​
    1. Voluntary recognition ​
    2. Through certification by a labour relations board​
    3. A prehearing vote or automatic certification resulting from unfair labour practice.​