All jurisdictions provide for conciliation and mediation services when labour and management negotiations break down
Uses a government-appointed third party to bring together the parties
Disputing parties choose voluntarily to reconcile their differences through a third-party
Complaint by an employee or employer that some aspect of a collective agreement has been violated
Grievance procedures
Most collective agreements include formal multi-step procedures to resolve grievances
Used as a provision for final settlement
Contract Provisions
Union Shop
All workers must join the union in specified time
Dues Check-off/Rand Formula
Employer must deduct union dues from employees’ wages and remit funds to the union
Used for determining order of promotions, etc.
Employer must have “just cause” to dismiss
Union Shop
All workers must join the union in specified time
Dues Check-off/Rand Formula
Employer must deduct union dues from employees’ wages and remit funds to the union
Used for determining order of promotions, etc.
Employer must have “just cause” to dismiss
Public Service Staff Relations Act (PSSRA)
Provides federal public servants with the right to either opt for compulsory arbitration or strike.
Another difference from the private sector is that the law allows the employer to designate certain employees as performing essential services, thus divesting them of the right to strike.