
Cards (19)

  • Estimate Costs
    Determine the cost of labor, materials, equipment, facilities, and other expenses
  • Develop a Project Plan

    Outlines the activities, timelines, and resources
  • Funding Sources
    Funding from the organization or sponsorships, most suitable
  • Maintain Financial Control

    Monitor project expenditures, track budget utilization
  • Conduct Needs Assessment
    Collaborate with stakeholders
  • Develop a Project Budget
    1. Comprehensive budget that outlines the estimated costs
    2. Ensure that the project aligns
  • Prepare Funding Proposals
    Grant applications to secure necessary financial resources
  • Adapt and Adjust
    1. Review and assess the project resource needs and budget
    2. Articulate
  • Set Clear Objectives
    What you hope to achieve and how your efforts will address
  • Indicators
    Align with each objective to measure progress and resources
  • Coordinate Logistics
    Ensure all necessary permits or permission obtained
  • Monitor Resource Utilization

    Discrepancies, controlling costs and ensuring
  • Mobilize External Resources

    Consultants, contractors, or suppliers to fill any optimized resource
  • Resource Allocation
    Project needs and priorities, resources are allocated, resource gaps
  • Communicate Findings
    Clear and concise information to ensure the findings
  • Prepare Findings Proposals

    Articulate the project objectives, deliverables, budget and expected
  • Collect Baseline Data
    Starting point for comparison, serve as reference
  • Mobilize Resources

    Include material, equipment, funding or in-kind donations
  • Form a Team
    Dedicated team of volunteers, passionate, delegate responsibilities