
Cards (93)

  • Skeletal system
    Composed of 206 bones, along with cartilage, tendons, and ligaments, that make up the framework or skeleton of the body
  • Bones
    Composed of about 50% water and 50% a solid, calcified, rigid substance known as osseous (AH see us) tissue
  • Parts of the skeleton
    • Axial skeleton
    • Appendicular skeleton
  • Bones of the axial skeleton
    • Skull
    • Vertebral column
    • Thoracic cage
  • Skull
    • Consists of 22 bones: 8 forming the braincase & 14 facial bones
    • The hyoid bone & 6 auditory ossicles are associated with the skull
  • Temporal bone
    • Composed the side of the head
    • Contains the external auditory canal, mastoid process, styloid processes, carotid canal, and jugular foramen
  • Occipital bone
    • Contains the occipital condyles and foramen magnum
  • Sphenoid bone
    • Resembles a butterfly and extends completely across the skull
    • Contains the sella turcica, foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum
  • Sutures
    Joints that unite bones of the skull
  • Types of sutures
    • Squamous suture
    • Coronal suture
    • Lambdoid suture
    • Sagittal suture
  • Facial bones
    • Form the structure of the face
    • All are paired bones, except mandible & vomer
  • Maxilla
    • Jawbone that forms the upper jaw and contains the superior teeth
  • Zygomatic bone
    • Also known as the cheekbone, located anterior to the sphenoid bone
    • Forms the zygomatic arch with the temporal bone
  • Palatine bone

    • Forms the roof of the oral cavity, separating the nasal cavity and nasopharynx from the mouth
    • Consists of the hard palate and soft palate
  • Nasal bone
    • Forms the bridge of the nose and mostly consists of cartilage
    • Contains the nasal cavity, nasal septum, nasal conchae, and paranasal sinuses
  • Lacrimal bone

    • Small bone in the eye sockets, just above the opening of the nasolacrimal canal
    • Forms part of the orbits/eye sockets
  • Mandible
    • Forms the lower jaw and contains the inferior teeth
  • Auditory ossicles
    • Consist of 6 bones in total, 3 in each middle ear (malleus, incus, and stapes)
  • Hyoid bone
    • Unpaired, U-shaped bone that does not articulate with any other bones
    • Provides attachment for some tongue and neck muscles
  • Vertebral column
    The central axis of the skeleton, extending from the base of the skull to slightly past the end of the pelvis
  • Regions of the vertebral column
    • 7 cervical vertebrae
    • 12 thoracic vertebrae
    • 5 lumbar vertebrae
    • 1 sacral bone
    • 1 coccyx bone
  • Major vertebral column curvatures
    • Anterior curve of cervical & lumbar regions
    • Posterior curve of thoracic, sacral, and coccygeal regions
  • Abnormal vertebral curvatures
    • Kyphosis
    • Lordosis
    • Scoliosis
  • Structure of a vertebra
    • Consists of a body, an arch, and different processes
    • Vertebral arch surrounds the vertebral foramen which forms the vertebral canal to enclose and protect the spinal cord
    • Processes provide attachment sites for muscles that move the vertebral column
  • Intervertebral foramina
    • Gaps between successive vertebrae that serve as an exit for spinal nerves from the spinal cord
  • Thoracic cage (rib cage)

    • Protects the vital organs and prevents the collapse of the thorax during respiration
    • Consists of the thoracic vertebrae, the ribs with their associated cartilages, and the sternum
  • Parts of the thoracic cage
    • True ribs 1-7
    • False ribs 8-10
    • Floating ribs 11-12
    • Sternum
  • Sternum
    • Divided into 3 parts: manubrium, body, and xiphoid process
    • Contains the jugular notch and sternal angle
  • Appendicular skeleton

    Consists of 126 bones, including the upper limb or pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, and lower limb
  • Pectoral girdle
    • Consists of the scapula and clavicle
  • Scapula
    • A flat, triangular bone with 3 large fossae where muscles extending to the arm are attached
    • Contains the glenoid cavity, spine, acromion process, and coracoid process
  • Clavicle
    • The first bone to begin ossification in the fetus and last to complete the process
    • Articulates with the scapula at the acromion process
  • Upper limb
    • Consists of the arm (humerus), forearm (ulna & radius), wrist (8 carpal bones), and hand (5 metacarpal bones, 3 phalanges in each finger and 2 phalanges in the thumb)
  • Humerus
    • Contains the head, anatomical neck, surgical neck, greater & lesser tubercles, deltoid tuberosity, and epicondyles
  • Ulna
    • Contains the trochlear notch, olecranon process, coronoid process, and ulnar head
  • Radius
    • Contains the radial head and radial tuberosity
  • Carpal bones

    • Arranged in two rows of four bones each, forming a slight curvature that is concave anteriorly and convex posteriorly
  • Forearm
    • Has two bones, the ulna on the medial side (little finger) and the radius on lateral side (thumb)
  • Trochlear Notch
    Located at proximal end of ulna that fits tightly over the end of humerus, forming most of the elbow joint
  • Olecranon Process
    Extension of ulna which can be felt as the point of elbow