Global lingua franca, official or working language in ASEAN countries
The ownership of English cannot be attributed to countries who use it as a native tongue or home language
The varieties of English spoken by different speech communities have evolved and have been heavily influenced by the local culture and its speakers
Misunderstanding in intercultural communication
Not always caused by verbal utterances
May also occur due to wrong interpretation of the non-verbal code
United States: Firmhandshake
France: Softhandshake
Germany: Firmhandshake, for men, traditionally accompanied by a slightbow
Japan: Handshakewitharmfirmlyextended, accompanied by a bow
MiddleEast: Handshake and free hand placed on forearm of the otherperson
Japanese women bow differently from men
German bow is termed diener, used in recognition of an authority. When a person bows, he/she is sending a message "atyourservice."
Sources of Misunderstanding
Ambiguity – lackofexplicitness in the form of problematic reference and ambiguous semantics in which the utterance is open to different interpretations
Performance–relatedmisunderstanding – slipsofthetongueandmishearing which may be due to utterances spoken quickly and unclearly
Gapsinworldknowledge – gaps in content rather than in language
Localcontext – orientation of participants as well as the repair moves that follow the displayed understanding
Approaches to studying Intercultural Communication
Be aware or be conscious of other cultures especially to that you will visit to avoid offending people
Become aware of cultural identities and background as it will broaden your horizon
No culture is superior or inferior to another, it is through awareness that you can compare other cultures with your own and learn to appreciate cultural diversities and learn to live with them
People have different languages, lifestyles, and ways of thinking, speaking and behaving - cultural diversity
Approaches to Intercultural communication explained by Martin and Nakayama (2010)
Social Science or Functionalist
Discipline on which approach is founded
Anthropology; Sociolinguistic
Research goal
Describe and predict behavior
Describe behavior
Change behavior
Assumption of reality
External and describable
Subjective and material
Assumption of human behavior
Creative and voluntary
Method of study
Survey, observation
Participant observation, field study
Textual analysis media
Relationship of culture and communication
Communication influenced by culture
Culture created and maintained through communication
Culture as a site of power struggle
Contributor of the approach
Identifies cultural variations and differences in aspects of communication
Emphasizes communication & culture & cultural differences be studied in context
Recognizes the economic and political forces in culture and communication; all interactions are characterized by power