biomolecules - also called biological molecules refers to any numerous substances that are produced by cells and living organism
Carbohydrates - also includes sugar,starch, and cellulose
carbohydrates - function to storeenergy and to provide shape to organism
Mono = one
Saccharides = sugar
Di = two
Saccharides = sugar
Poly = three
Saccharides = sugar
Glucose - "blood sugar" is the immediate source of energy for cellular respiration. it is a moderately sweet sugar found in vegetables and fruits
Galactose - not normally found in nature, but is mostly hydrolyzed from the disacchiaride lactose, which is found in milk
Fructose - called the fruit sugar, fructose is found in fruits, honey, and the sole sugar in bull and human semen
Lactose - the second most common double sugar and is found in milk. it is combinatiom of glucose and another small sugar called galactose
Maltose - the third most double common sugar. it is notfound in the foods that we eat. insted the body makes it when a person eats foods that contain starches such as potatoes and bread
Sucrose - the most common double sugar that people eats in common foods. it is found in fruits, potatoes, pasta, breads, cereal and other common foods
Starch - a storage polysaccharide in plants
Glycogen - a highly brached storage polysaccharide in animals
Cellulose - a structural polusaccharide in plants. is a major component of plant cell walls
Chitin - a structural polysaccharide in fungi and animals. a important component of the exoskeletons of insects and crustaceans
Polysaccharides - are carbohydrates formed by long chains of repeating units linked together by glocosidic bonds
Function of carbohydrates
provides QUICK energy to the body
serves as FUEL and BUILDING materal
it breaks down into microscopic molecules
Dehydration Synthesis - Combining single compound into a complex one by removing water
Hydrolysis - addition of water to a compound splits it
Lipids - biolomecules that contain Hydrocarbons
Lipids - contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen atoms
Lipids - compound are nonpolar molecules, which are soluble only in nonpolar solvents and insoluble in water
non polar molecules are hydrphobic ( water fearing)
4 types of lipids?
Phospholipids, triglycerides,
number of fatty acids?
fromed by the joining of 3 fatty acids to a gylcerol backbone in a dehydration reaction?