Cards (18)

  • On-Centre Bipolar Cells
    • Increases in glutamate close Na+ channels and opens K+ channels via metabotropic GluRs
    • In response to light, they depolarise
    • In response to darkness, they hyperpolarise
  • Off-Centre Bipolar Cells
    • Increases in glutamate opens Na+ channels and closes K+ channels via ionotropic GluRs
    • In response to light, they hyperpolarise
    • In response to dark, they depolarise
  • Centre-Surround Antagonism (Lateral Inhibition)
    • Horizontal cells receive photoreceptors input and have gap junctions between themselves
    • They have graded responses and inhibit 'centre' photoreceptors via a lateral feedback mechanism
    • Release inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA onto a 'centre' bipolar cell (feed-forward inhibition)
    • Due to lateral inhibition in the retina, we are poor at judging the absolute brightness of objects, rather we encode the contrast between objects and surround
  • Amacrine Cells
    • Interneurons that receive input from one or more bipolar cells and project to ganglion cells, bipolar cells and other amacrine cells
    • Graded amacrine cells release inhibitory neurotransmitter, resulting in suppression (hyperpolarisation) of postsynaptic ganglion cells
  • Retinal Ganglion Cells
    • Spiking RGC's transmit both image forming and non-image forming information to several regions of the brain (e.g. circadian rhythms, pupillary light reflex)
    • RGCs are 'ON' and 'OFF' centre type (polarity)
    • Two 'classes' (M and P), but over 20 types of RGC (polarity, RF size, adaptation)
    • M and P cells project to the magnocellular and parvocellular layers of the LGN, also Koniocellular (blue-yellow)
    • Both neuron types exhibit adaptation, however responses from M-type ganglion cells are more transient
  • M-Type Ganglion Cells
    • Aka parasol cells
    • 10% of total, larger receptive fields
    • Encode achromatic contrast (not colour)
    • Faster responses and faster adaptation
    • Transient responses for sensitivity to movement
  • P-Type Ganglion Cells
    • Aka midget cells
    • 70% of ganglion cell type
    • Sustained responses
    • Selective for opponent colour, red-green
    • Encode detail and form
  • Centre-Surround Interactions (Centre Only)
    • ON cells fire when the centre is illuminated.
    • OFF cells fire when the light is off or removed.
  • Centre-Surround Interactions (Surround Only)
    • ON cells show decreased firing when the surround is illuminated due to the inhibitory effect.
    • OFF cells show increased firing when the surround is illuminated.
  • Centre-Surround Interactions (Centre and Surround Uniform)
    Both ON and OFF cells have little to no response because the uniform illumination cancels out due to the centre-surround antagonism
  • Centre-Surround Interactions (Centre and Surround Opposite)
    • ON cells fire strongly when the center is illuminated, and the surround is dark.
    • OFF cells fire strongly when the center is dark, and the surround is illuminated.
  • Optic Nerve and Chiasm
    • RGC axons become myelinated past the optic disk and form the optic nerve
    • About 90% of the ganglion cell axons go to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus
    • Partial cross-over of the optic nerves from each eye align the visual fields
  • Lateral Geniculate Nucleus (LGN)
    • Nucleus in the lateral-dorsal thalamus subserving visual perception - projects to the visual cortex
    • 6 layers with alternating input from the ipsilateral and contralateral visual fields
    • Therefore both eyes use retinotopic mapping
  • The pathways maintained by the LGN are magnocellular, parvocellular and koniocellular pathways
  • Magnocellular Pathway
    Input from M ganglion cells, larger receptive field, involving in motion vision
  • Parvocellular Pathway
    Input from P ganglion cells, involved in form and colour
  • Koniocellular Pathway
    Input from bistratified ganglion cells, large receptive field, likely involved in colour vision
  • Potential Functions of the LGN
    • Bring visual field's from both eyes into register to make it easier for the cortex to combine
    • Gating of visual information flow
    • Feedback regulation --> spatial attention and arousal, saccadic eye movements, our brains predict what we will see to guide vision