2 years: doesn't use common tools, doesn't use 2 word phrases
3 years: unclear speech, doesn't have pretend play
4 years: trouble scribbling, not interested in interactive games, resists dressing, can't recall story, doesn't understand same and different, mixes up meandyou
5 years: unusual emotions, withdrawn or not active, easily distracted, trouble focusing, trouble with recall, can't engage in self help skills
Children's developmental conditions (by school age)
Learning and Cognition
Language ability
Gross and Fine Motor Skills
Social Skills
Global delays
Difficulty with academic subjects, fail to generalize, slow acquisition rate, individual guidance required
Word learning
Easily forget; slow acquisition rate, confusion of sounds, meanings, written form, difficulty in copying
Difficulty in verbal comprehension
Unable to follow long instructions, misunderstand meanings, unable to understand story
Difficulty in verbal expressions
Lack vocabulary, Incorrect grammar, unable to recall
Difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds; stuttering
Write slowly or incorrectly, messy eater, clumsy in artwork, need assistance in self help skills
Difficulty concentrating in class (distractions, out of seat, off task), difficulty completing classwork (careless mistakes), difficulty staying on topic during discussions, forgetful or careless with belongings
Activity level: Out of seat, Fidgeting, excessive talking, Impatient, weak self-control