Disorder involving processing of linguistic information, problems may involve grammar, semantics, or other aspects of language, receptive or expressivelanguage disorder or both
Some speechsounds (phonemes) in child's language are not produced, produced incorrectly or not used correctly (substitutions, omissions, additions, distortions)
Stuttering, fluency and rhythm of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetition or prolong of sounds/syllables/words/phrases, impact on functioning and emotional state
Clinically significant symptoms of communication disorder, fails to meet full criteria of any communication or neurodevelopmental disorder, cause distress or impairment
Developed depending on subtype, intellectual ability, behavior, personality, three goals: help develop and improve skills and communication abilities, help children develop coping strategies and alternatives, generalize skills to natural environment
Creates opportunities for child to use target words in distributed learning opportunities, follow child's focus of attention or interest, use antecedent and consequence stimuli naturally associated with particular communication response