Variety of instructional activities according to the child's interests and preferences, celebrate diversity
Variety of activities like field trips, guest speakers, demonstrate practically, other enrichment activities
Encouraging higher-level thinking skills and creative problem-solving
Provide Information/advanced content and assign independent reading, project etc.
Provide opportunities and encourage learning independently
Provide opportunities and an environment for sharing ideas / practical solution
School extension activities; hobby classes
Enrichment programs (Expanding the learning experiences or activities that are beyond the existing curriculum; study topics in depth)
Compacting (e.g. Remove materials from the curriculum that the child has already mastered)
Self-pacing (e.g. Allow the child to have input in deciding the allocation of classroom time)
Acceleration (e.g. Skip grades; enrol in higher-level course)
Pull-out programs (e.g. special class in a subject)
Cluster grouping
Separate classes