Responsible for transporting oxygenated blood from the heart and lungs via the arteries, and transporting deoxygenated blood back to the heart via the veins
Functions of the Circulatory System
Delivers oxygen and nutrients to all cells
Transports carbon dioxide and other wastes away from the cells
Helps in the coagulation process
Regulates body temperature
Assists in fighting diseases
Two Main Components of the Circulatory System
Cardiovascular System (heart, blood vessels, blood)
Lymphatic System (lymph, lymph nodes, vessels)
Hollow muscular organ with four chambers, surrounded by a thin, fluid-filled sac called pericardium
Size: same size of a person's clenched fist
Layers: Epicardium (thin, watery membrane), Myocardium (thick layer of cardiac muscle), Endocardium (thin layer of epithelial cells)
Chambers of the Heart
Right Atrium (receives deoxygenated blood from the body)
Right Ventricle (receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it into the pulmonary artery)
Left Atrium (receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it into the left ventricle)
Left Ventricle (receives blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the aorta)
Valves of the Heart
Right AV (atrioventricular) valve: tricuspid valve (closes as the RV contracts preventing blood from flowing back to the RA)
Left AV (atrioventricular) valve: bicuspid or mitral valve (closes as the LV contracts preventing blood from flowing back to the LA)
Interatrial Septum (partition that separates the RA from the LA)
Interventricular Septum (separates the RV from the LV)
Coronary Circulation
Receives blood supply through the left and right coronary arteries, and coronary veins return the oxygen depleted blood from the heart muscle back to the heart
Blood Flow through the Heart in 2 MINUTES
Functions of the Heart
Cardiac Cycle (systole and diastole)
Electrical Conduction System (sends electric impulses throughout the myocardium)
ECG/electrocardiogram (graphical representation of the cardiac cycle's activity)
Origin of the Heart Sounds ("Lubb" first sound, "Dupp" second sound)
Heart Rate and Cardiac Output (average heart rate is 72 bpm)
Pulse (rhythmic throbbing resulting from the alternating expansion and contraction of the artery)
Blood Pressure (force exerted by the blood on the walls of the vessel)
Disorders of the Heart
Angina pectoris (chest pain from reduced blood flow)
Aortic stenosis (murmuring sound when aortic leaflets don't fully open)
Bacterial endocarditis (infection in heart lining or blood vessel)