
Cards (22)

  • what is a control variable
    something that you keep the same
  • what is a dependent variable
    something you measure
  • what is an Independent variable
    something you change
  • what are the two types of transformers
    step up and step down transformers
  • step up transformers - increases the potential difference and decrease the current
  • step down transformers - decrease the potential difference and increase the current
  • what is another way of saying potential difference
  • what does the web of the national grid look like
    power station -> step up transformer -> national grid -> step down transformer -> consumer
  • gpe = hight
  • change in gravitational potential energy = mass x gravitational field strength x change in height
  • give one environmental impact of using fossil fuels
    climate change
  • P = I x V
  • The higher resistance -> The lower the current
  • series circuit - components are connected in one loop
  • parallel circuit - components in multiple loops
  • what is the current like in a series circuit
    the current stays the same through out each component
  • what is the current like in a parallel circuit
    The current through the whole circuits the sum of all the currents through the separate components
  • the lower the resistance -> higher the current
  • what is the formulae for electrical power
    P = I x v
  • power can be calculated by multiplying voltage and current
  • F = M x A
  • who do we remember the equation F = M x A?

    Fat = Mate x Alex