Cards (15)

  • Why can HIV lead to early onset AIDS?
    HIV kills white blood cells - this means one is more susceptible to pathogens.
  • Explain how bacteria build resistance. (4m)
    Mutation occurs
    Mutated bacteria are stronger- more resistant to antibiotic so survive
    These asexually reproduce leaving genetically identical offspring
    Increased bacteria population of high resistance
  • Describe the order of events after a new antibiotic is discovered. (3m)
    Testing on cells and or animals, testing on humans with double blind trials.
  • How would a student prepare a microscope slide to show growing roots of a garlic plant? (4m)
    Get the root tip
    Soften root with heat
    Use a thin layer of cells and place on slide
    Dye with ethanol to see individual cells more clearly
    Add water drop to slide
    Add cover slip
  • What is produced when a cell divides by mitosis?
    Two genetically identical diploid daughter cells.
  • Describe the theory of evolution by natural selection. (3m)
    Mutation in offspring that gives a desirable characteristic.
    Mutated organism(s) survive and reproduce.
    Leads to genetically different offspring with desirable characteristic
    This is repeated over generations.
  • How does bird with less bright feathers have an increased chance of survival? (2m)
    They can camouflage and so won't be eaten by predators
  • How does limb structure with 5 things support evolution?
    We share the pentadactyl limb which shows there is a common ancestor, and we have evolved from this
  • How can bacteria be genetically engineered to produce insulin?(6m)
    1-Desired gene is located
    2-Gene is cut out with restriction enzyme
    3-Plasmid from bacterial cell is removed with lysosomes
    4-Plasmid cut open using restriction enzyme - leaving complimentary sticky ends
    5-Gene is inserted into plasmid using ligase
    6-Plasmid is inserted back into bacterial cell
    7-Bacteria cell multiplies
  • What produces antibodies?
    Lymphocytes- type of white blood cell
  • Lymphocytes produce antibodies against anything that the body detects as what?
    Foreign 🇳🇺
  • What 5 steps do you do to produce monoclonal antibodies🚽
    • Inject antigens into mouse
    • mouse produces lymphocytes
    • Lymphocytes extracted from mouse
    • Lymphocytes fused w tumour cells- make hybridoma cells
    • hybridoma cells are cloned
  • Why cant antibiotics cure viral diseases?????
    viruses have a protective coating that bacteria dont
  • Why is there no reaction at 5 and 80 degrees C?
    5- not enough energy for reaction, no ESC, no starch broken down
    80- enzyme has denatured, no ESC, no starch broken down
  • Why would someone with low stomach acid be more susceptible to bacterial infections?
    Not enough acid to eliminate unwanted bacteria.