Health Asses: SEMI

Cards (96)

  • Posterior chest assessment
    1. Sit patient, observe for symmetry, palpate vertebrae
    2. Assess for scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis
    3. Observe respiratory movement, assess fremitus
    4. Assess for atelectasis, chest expansion
  • Normal chest
    • Slight retraction of intercostal spaces
    • AP diameter 1:2
  • Barrel chest
    • AP diameter 2:2
  • Funnel chest
    • Repression of the lower portion of sternum
  • Pigeon chest
    • Sternum protrudes outward
  • Tactile fremitus assessment
    1. Palpate thorax, ask patient to say 99 or blue moon
    2. Equal vibration in left and right lungs
    3. Decreased fremitus = obstruction
    4. Increased fremitus = fluid presence
  • Pleural effusion
    Pleural space has fluid
  • Hemothorax
    Pleural space has blood
  • Hydrothorax
    Pleural space has water
  • Pneumothorax
    Pleural space has air
  • Emphysema
    Over inflation of lungs
  • Percussion
    1. Determine if underlying tissue is filled with air or solid materials
    2. Start with shoulder
    3. Resonance = normal air
    4. Hyper-resonance = too much air
    5. Flatness/dull = fluid or solid
  • Costovertebral angle (CVA) percussion
    Percuss 12th rib, no pain or tenderness
  • Diaphragmatic excursion
    Movement of thoracic movement during breathing, normal 3-5 cm
  • Anterior chest assessment
    1. Auscultate breath sounds from superior to inferior, left to right
    2. Assess for adventitious sounds
  • Bronchial breath sounds

    Hollow, high-pitch, expiration slightly longer than inspiration
  • Vesicular breath sounds

    Soft, low-pitched, inspiration greater than expiration
  • Bronchovesicular breath sounds

    Mixed, inspiration and expiration equal
  • Abnormal adventitious breath sounds
    • Polyphonic (sibilant) wheeze/rhonchi
    • Monophonic (sonorous) wheeze/rhonchi
    • Stridor
    • Coarse crackles/rales
    • Fine crackles/rales
    • Pleural friction rub
  • Crackles indicate presence of secretions or excess fluids in the lungs
  • Cervical curve
    C7, Concave
  • Thoracic curve
    T12, convex
  • Lumbar curve
    L5, concave
  • Sacral curve
    S1, convex
  • Lordosis
    super concave, normal only in pregnancy
  • scoliosis
    abnormal spine alignment, used of milwaukee.
  • Thoracic expansion
    normal 3-5 on T10
  • Resonance
    drun like when percussion (normal air)
  • Flatness/dull
    fluid or solid, pleural eddusion, pneumonia or tumor.
  • Bronchial
    TRachea & bronchi, hollow and only dound in anterior, hgih-pitch, inspiration lsighty shorter than expiration. (ie= 1:3 or 1<E)
  • vesicular
    lung field, soft and low, heard through peripheral lung fields, inspiration is greater than expiration (IE= 3:1 or I>E)
  • Broncho vesicular

    mixed (betweeen 1st and 2nd intercoustal spaces), isnpiration and expiration are equal, in anterior between 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces and posterior are between scapula.
  • Wheezes
    obstruction/narrowing airway.
  • crackles
    secretion or excess fluids
  • self-examination
    stand in mirror, put hand in the head, hips and lean forward (do it once a month) examine fibrous tissue and mammary gland after 7 days of menstrual period
  • axilla

    where breast cancer of men is located (only 1%)
  • anthropic
    tissue getting smaller) that makes the breast shallow common for old people.
  • skin dumpling
    breast have a dimple or part that hollow considered normal
  • Discharge
    assesment of breast that common for creast cancer.
  • peau D'orange

    found in inflammatory breast cancer.