1. Sit patient, observe for symmetry, palpate vertebrae
2. Assess for scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis
3. Observe respiratory movement, assess fremitus
4. Assess for atelectasis, chest expansion
Normal chest
Slight retraction of intercostal spaces
AP diameter 1:2
Barrel chest
AP diameter 2:2
Funnel chest
Repression of the lower portion of sternum
Pigeon chest
Sternum protrudes outward
Tactile fremitus assessment
1. Palpate thorax, ask patient to say 99 or blue moon
2. Equal vibration in left and right lungs
3. Decreased fremitus = obstruction
4. Increased fremitus = fluid presence
Pleural effusion
Pleural space has fluid
Pleural space has blood
Pleural space has water
Pleural space has air
Over inflation of lungs
1. Determine if underlying tissue is filled with air or solid materials
2. Start with shoulder
3. Resonance = normal air
4. Hyper-resonance = too much air
5. Flatness/dull = fluid or solid
Costovertebral angle (CVA) percussion
Percuss 12th rib, no pain or tenderness
Diaphragmatic excursion
Movement of thoracic movement during breathing, normal 3-5 cm
Anterior chest assessment
1. Auscultate breath sounds from superior to inferior, left to right
2. Assess for adventitious sounds
Bronchial breath sounds
Hollow, high-pitch, expiration slightly longer than inspiration
Vesicular breath sounds
Soft, low-pitched, inspiration greater than expiration
Bronchovesicular breath sounds
Mixed, inspiration and expiration equal
Abnormal adventitious breath sounds
Polyphonic (sibilant) wheeze/rhonchi
Monophonic (sonorous) wheeze/rhonchi
Coarse crackles/rales
Fine crackles/rales
Pleural friction rub
Crackles indicate presence of secretions or excess fluids in the lungs
Cervical curve
C7, Concave
Thoracic curve
T12, convex
Lumbar curve
L5, concave
Sacral curve
S1, convex
super concave, normal only in pregnancy
abnormal spine alignment, used of milwaukee.
Thoracic expansion
normal 3-5 on T10
drun like when percussion (normal air)
fluid or solid, pleural eddusion, pneumonia or tumor.
TRachea & bronchi, hollow and only dound in anterior, hgih-pitch, inspiration lsighty shorter than expiration. (ie= 1:3 or 1<E)
lung field, soft and low, heard through peripheral lung fields, inspiration is greater than expiration (IE= 3:1 or I>E)
Broncho vesicular
mixed (betweeen 1st and 2nd intercoustal spaces), isnpiration and expiration are equal, in anterior between 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces and posterior are between scapula.
obstruction/narrowing airway.
secretion or excess fluids
stand in mirror, put hand in the head, hips and lean forward (do it once a month) examine fibrous tissue and mammary gland after 7 days of menstrual period
where breast cancer of men is located (only 1%)
tissue getting smaller) that makes the breast shallow common for old people.
skin dumpling
breast have a dimple or part that hollow considered normal
assesment of breast that common for creast cancer.