Week 9

Cards (64)

  • Evolutionary symmetric games
    Games in finite and well-mixed populations of size N, modelled as birth-death processes
  • eC
    (1, 0)T
  • eD
    (0, 1)T
  • x
    Strategy profile, state of the population described by x = 0.4eC + 0.6eD = (0.4, 0.6)T
  • Payoff matrix
  • Replicator dynamics

    ẋ = x(1 - x)[x(a - c) + (1 - x)(b - d)]
  • When N → ∞, we recover replicator dynamics
  • When N < ∞, x(t) fluctuates, requiring stochastic modelling
  • Coexistence equilibrium
    x* = (d - b) / (a - c + d - b)
  • Coexistence equilibrium is metastable when b > d, c > a in a finite population
  • Birth and death rates are functions of the fitness of C and D
  • Moran process
    λi = (i/N)(N-i/N)(fC(i)/f̄(i))
    μi = (i/N)(N-i/N)(fD(i)/f̄(i))
    where f̄(i) = (i/N)fC(i) + (1 - i/N)fD(i)
  • Fermi process
    λi = (i/N)(N-i/N)2 / (1 + e(fD(i)-fC(i)))
    μi = (i/N)(N-i/N)2 / (1 + e-(fD(i)-fC(i)))
  • Dynamics with Moran and Fermi processes are the same in the weak selection limit (s << 1)
  • Fixation probability of C

  • Fixation probability of D

  • Fixation probabilities satisfy a 2nd-order linear map
  • Fixation probability of a single D
    φD = 1 - φC
  • Neutral dynamics (s = 0)

    • φC
    i = i/N
    φC = 1/N
  • Constant fitness (fC(i) = r, fD(i) = 1)

    • φC
    i = (rN-i - 1) / (rN - 1)
    φC = (rN-1 - 1) / (rN - 1)
  • Goal: Fixation probability in 2-player evolutionary games with 2 pure strategies in finite populations
  • Pure strategies
    Strategies where the player always chooses the same action
  • Infinite populations
    Populations where the number of individuals is very large
  • Weak selection
    Selection intensity is small (0<s<<1)
  • Fixation probability of C, ϕC, has an exact formula
  • Fixation probability of C, ϕC, has examples
  • Fixation probability of C, ϕC, has a weak selection limit
  • Birth-death process
    Stochastic process where individuals are born and die, leading to changes in the population composition
  • Absorbing boundaries

    States where the process cannot leave once entered (fixation of C or D)
  • In 2-player games with 2 pure strategies, the outcome is fixation of either C or D
  • Fitness-dependent Moran process

    Birth-death process where the birth and death rates depend on the fitness of the individuals
  • Fitness-dependent Fermi process

    Birth-death process where the birth and death rates depend on the fitness of the individuals via a Fermi function
  • Under weak selection, the fixation probability of a single C has a simple expression
  • Selection favours fixation of C
    When the fixation probability of C is greater than 1/N
  • Selection opposes fixation of C
    When the fixation probability of C is less than 1/N
  • Under weak selection and large N, selection favours fixation of C if a+2b > c+2d
  • Under weak selection and large N, selection opposes fixation of C if a+2b < c+2d
  • Coordination game
    Game where a > c and d > b
  • In coordination games under weak selection and large N, there is an unstable coexistence equilibrium at a frequency x* < 1/3 of C
  • In coordination games under weak selection and large N, selection favours fixation of C if the basin of attraction of x* is greater than 2/3