English 10 -SPDCSS

Cards (143)

  • EPIC - is a lengthy narrative poem typically about the extraordinary deeds of extraordinary characters who, in dealings with gods or other superhuman forces, gave shape to the mortal universe for their descendants.
  • THE STORY OF FLOOD - Epic of Gilgamesh - an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia
  • FLASHBACK - refers to the dramatic presentation of an entire scene from an earlier time and action
  • FORESHADOWING - a literary device in which the outcome of the conflict is anticipated
  • MYTH - a traditional sacred story which usually narrates the activities of Gods and heroes
  • MYTH - Stories that can explain natural phenomenon or cultural practice
    1. Setting
    2. Characters
    3. Plot
    4. Theme
    5. Metaphor
    • LEGENDS a legend refers to a traditional story that may or may not be true.
  • FOLKTALES - is a story that is passed down from one generation to another in a particular group of people, through word of mouth.
    1. CUPID AND PSYCHE - is a story originally from Metamorphoses written in the 2nd century AD by Lucius Apuleius
  • DRAMA - a composition in verse or prose intended to portray life or character or to tell a story usually involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue typically designed for theatrical performance.
    • Drama according to Aristotle(Ancient Greek Philosopher and Polymath)
    • He defines drama as the Imitation of action and it has six elements
    1. Plot
    2. Theme
    3. Characters
    4. Dialogue
    5. Music/Rhyme
    6. Spectacle
  • Music/Rhyme - refers to the rhythm of the actors’ voices as they speak
  • OEDIPUS THE KING OR OEDIPUS REX - an Athenian tragic play written by Sophocles in 430 BC
  • SOPHOCLES - was one of the most famous and celebrated writers of tragedy plays in ancient Greece and his surviving works, written throughout the 5th century BCE, (classics as Oedipus Rex, Antigone, and Women of Trachis)
  • ALLEGORY - A representation of ideas, concept or subject through a symbolical narrative either in prose or poetry.
    • An allegory is a complete story, poem or image with a hidden meaning,(literal and figurative). 
    • A story within a story.
  • SYMBOLISM - a representation of an idea or concept that has a different meaning across a literary text
  • INFERNO - written by the Italian Poet 
  • DANTE ALIGHIERI IN 1308-1321 
    • A long Narrative poem of thirty-four cantos or sections describing the 9 circles of hell, each housing different types of sinners.
    Dark Forest or the Enchanted Forest
  • CONFLICT - physical contest between opposed characters or moral contest between the protagonist and an opposed force such as Fate, environment or an institution
  • Man vs self - the character struggles with his/her own mind to achieve a goal
  • Man vs man - protagonist vs antagonist or other character
  • Man vs society - protagonist has different views in a world he lives in.(Government, cultural tradition or norms)
  • Man vs nature - challenges protagonist with forces of nature (natural phenomenon and other creatures)
  • Man vs fate - compels protagonist to follow an unknown destiny
  • EVERYMAN - is a late 15th-century morality play by an anonymous English author. It is based on a sermon and homily
  • SHIH CHING OR BOOK OF SONG - oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry, comprising 305 works dating from the 11th to 7th centuries BC. Confucius played a major role in the compilation of the Book of Songs.
    • Ripe plums are falling This poem describes a woman's journey of finding a suitable man for herself.
  • IMAGERY - creation of mental responses through the medium of figurative language
  • Visual - is description that stimulates the eyes. Specifically, your mind’s eye.
  • Auditory - is description that stimulates the ears.
    • Tactile is description that stimulates your sense of touch.
  • Olfactory - is description that stimulates the nose.
  • Gustatory - is description that stimulates the tongue.
  • PARODY literary text that imitates in exaggerated manner, another writer, artist or piece of writing for comic purposes or humorous effects