
Cards (33)

  • Research
    means to search again, also known as investigation/experimentation
  • Cresswell(2013)

    Research is a systematic and objective of creation of knowledge
  • Dempsey and dempsey
    Research is an orderly process of inquiry that involves purposeful and systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to gain new knowledge to verify already existing knowledge
  • Saunders(2009)

    Research is something that people undertake in order to find out things in systematic way, therefore increasing their knowledge
  • Bajpai, 2011

    A systematic and scientific procedure of data collection, compilation, analysis, interpretation, and implication pertaining to any problems
  • Moore(2009)

    According to him there are five things were considering when doing a research work
    •Never choose a topic that is out a personal interest
    •never used needless words
    •keep thoughts intact
    •don't let fail your distract you •always consult the opinion of other people
  • Concept
    Term that abstractly describes and names and objects, a phenomenon, or an idea
  • Theory
    Organize a body of concepts and principles intended to explain a particular phenomenon
  • Variables
    Are any quality of a person, group subject, event, condition, or situation that varies or takes on different values
  • Hypothesis
    Logical supposition, a reasonable guess, and educated conjectured,
    provides a tentative explanation under investigation
  • Sampling
    Process of selecting participants who are representatives of a larger population
  • Qualitative
    Exploring and understanding the meaning of individuals or groups ascribe
    non-numerical, based on words, feelings, and emotions
  • Quantitative
    A method that focuses on numbers objective hard data. It proves hypothesis by statistics/statistical analysis and scientific method
  • Mixed Method
    Collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, integrating two forms of data output
  • Specific
    -Be able to communicate the specific inquiry or question that needs to be answered
    -maintain its focus
  • Measureable
    • Epistemological aspect of the state of being objectively observable
    • contains specific proven research and cites all the research sources and related literature
  • Attainable
    • Should be easily answered or achieved when the appropriate procedures are performed
    • must provide a thesis statement
    • isn't based on an existing body of knowledge
  • Realistic
    Should do so based on valid evidence from dependable sources possibility of being carried out should always be observed
    • objective
    • valid evidence
  • Time-Bound
    • Attained within the set frame
    • Time is an important factor in the research work
    • Should be narrowed enough to be attained within the set time frame
  • Methodology
    Section of the research that focuses only on results that are related to the research or problem
  • Abstract
    Descriptive informative that lets reader search for an article
  • Why?
  • How?
  • What?
  • References
    Materials the author cited when writing the research paper
  • So What?

  • Researcher
    Effectively communicate valuable resorts
  • Readers
    To trust and make use of these facts and findings
  • Fact
    Verifiable Statement
    • Can be proven objectively
  • Opinion
    Personal Judgement
    Statement that cannot be proven
    • Point of view of a person
  • Assertion
    A statement that most people believe but cannot be proven
    • Make a declaration
    • Half-opinion Half-declaration
  • Commonplace Assertion
    • half-baked opinion
    • stereotypes
    • oversimplication/prejudice
  • Information
    Facts, Details, Data, Knowledge, Figures, Statistics