finance 4th quaeter

Cards (37)

  • is a risk management strategy that mixes a wide variety of investment within a portfolio
  • diversified portfolio contains a mix of distinct assets types and investment vehicle in an attempt at limiting exposure to any single asset or risk
  • corporation of several different, sometimes unrelated business and company
  • creator of evelope system
    david ramsey
  • creator of 50/20/30 rule system
    alexa vonn tobel
  • creator of ideal budget plan
    peter Dunn's
  • asset or item aquired to generate income or appreciate
  • what are the 3 different types of investment
    fix income or equities, alternative to fix income, other investment asset
  • what are the 2 fix income and equities
    stocks, bank deposite, bonds
  • 3 accounts under bank deposite
    current account/ checking account, savings account, time deposite account
  • this account is has interest but not significant but also the most common account
    savings account
  • this account has no accumulation
    current account/ checking account
  • this account has the highest interest earn but the money is not available all the time
    time deposite account
  • PDIC stands for
    philippines deposit institution corporation
  • banks are only accountable to any loses if they are held down by the monitary institution
  • what are the 2 alternatives fic income and equities
    mutual funds, unit investment trust fund
  • other investment asset
    currencies, realstate, insurance
  • generally accepted form of money
  • realstate
    land and any improvements on it
  • insurance
    provides financial protection to an entity or individual
  •  individual that represents the entire population
    Population - individualthat the researcher are interested in and usullay has common characteristics
    • individualthat the researcher are interested in and usullay has common characteristics
  • ndividual that represents the entire population
  •  refers to the numbr of indiviadual included in the sample
    sample size
  • it is where the respondents are grt or commming from
     Ex. Master's list
    sample frame
    • The selection of components of the sample that will be the representative of the population
    • Can be biased or unbiast
    • Process on how to choose sample from populaion
    sampling technique
    • All participants or all people in the population are given a chance to be a respondents. NON BIASED
    • Involve randomization
    • Time consuming and requires more effort
    probability sampling
  • The chance of selection is the same for every member of the population
    simple random sampling
    1. Sample that follows regular interval from the list
    2. Has a specific step and procedure in doing the selection of the sample
    systematic random sampling
    1. Group are divided called STRATA
    stratified sampling
    1. Used if you ahave large scale survey
    2. When the target respondents are cpread across GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION
    cluster sampling
    1. You used more than one sampling method
    multi stage sampling
    • Not all samples in a population are not given a chance to be selected
    • Based on subjected judgment
    non probability sampling
    • The participants are selected if they are conviniently available at the time they are needed
    convinience sampling
    • Also called as judgment sampling or subjective sampling
    • The researcher only choose who they think are suitable to participate in the study
    purposive sampling
  • also called as chain refferal sampling

    snowball sampling