The logical next step after the preliminary assessment has produced an initial positive evaluation of the area under study for tourism development
Seven Criteria for Tourism Site Evaluation (according to TSEM)
Basic Utilities
On-Site Facilities
Tourism Site Evaluation Matrix (TSEM)
A tool used for evaluating potential tourism sites by assessing various factors that contribute to their suitability and potential success as tourist destinations
Combines the distinctiveness of the location (uniqueness) and the aesthetic appeal of its natural environment (natural beauty)
Emphasizes the importance of a destination's heritage and its contribution to cultural understanding, education, and enrichment
Refers to the ease with which potential visitors can reach a destination, encompassing transportation options, infrastructure quality and availability, and physical accessibility
Basic Utilities
Fundamental services that support the basic operational and living needs within a destination, affecting visitor experience and site sustainability
On-Site Facilities
Infrastructure and services that enhance the visitor experience, contribute to comfort and convenience, and support a wide range of activities and needs
Ownership of Property
Encompasses legal and operational frameworks that determine who owns, manages, and benefits from tourism sites and facilities
Quality of Surroundings
Refers to the overall aesthetic appeal, environmental condition, and atmosphere of the area surrounding a tourism site, shaping visitor perceptions and experiences
Nine Criteria for Ecotourism Site Evaluation (according to DENR)
ProtectedArea Management
VisitorPatterns, Activities, andInfrastructure
Refer to the ecological assets, physical characteristics, and geodiversity of a tourism site, shaping attractiveness, uniqueness, and recreational opportunities
Refer to the tangible and intangible heritage assets that contribute to the cultural identity, authenticity, and richness of a tourism destination
Protected Area Management
Refers to the planning, implementation, and monitoring of activities aimed at conserving and sustainably managing natural and cultural resources within designated protected areas
VisitorPatterns, Activities, andInfrastructure
Refer to the behaviors, preferences, and facilities utilized by tourists within a destination, crucial for tourism planning, development, and management
Tourism Plans and Policies
Strategic documents developed by governments, tourism authorities, and other stakeholders to guide the sustainable development, management, and promotion of tourism
Refer to the local residents living in or near tourism destinations who are affected by tourism activities, directly or indirectly
Involve collaboration and cooperation between various stakeholders to achieve common goals related to sustainable tourism development
Marketing and Promotions
Involve strategies and activities aimed at attracting visitors to a destination, promoting tourism products and experiences, and influencing travel behavior
Opportunities and Threats
Refer to external factors that can either positively or negatively impact the tourism industry and destinations