2.3.1 Profit

Cards (12)

  • Profit is the financial gain of a business through trading and can be found by deducting expenditure from income.
  • 3 types of profit:
    Gross profit
    Operating profit
    • Profit for the year (Net profit)
    • Gross Profit= Revenue - Cost of sales
    • Operating Profit= Gross Profit - other operating expenses
    • Net Profit= Operating Profit -Interest/tax/Exceptional costs
  • Profitability is the ratio of profit over revenue, expressed as a percentage. Mainly an indication of the ability of a company to control costs.
  • Gross Profit Margin:
    Tells a business how much gross profit is made for every pound of sales revenue received.
  • Gross Profit Margin = (Gross Profit / Revenue) x 100
  • Operating Profit Margin:
    • Examines the relationship between the operating profit and the level of revenue.
    • How profitable is the business’s activities?
  • Operating Profit Margin = (Operating Profit / Revenue) x 100
  • Net Profit Margin:
    • The net profit margin is the proportion of sales revenue that is left once all costs have been paid.
    • It tells a business how much net profit is made for every pound of sales revenue received.
  • Net Profit Margin = (Net Profit / Revenue) x 100
  • Profit:
    • Profit is recorded straight away
    • A business can trade for many years without profit
    • To improve profitability a business must either increase their revenue or reduce their costs as:
    • P = TR- TC
  • Cash
    • Cash will not be recorded until it is be in a different trading ye could be in a different trading year
    • A profitable business may go bust if it runs out of cash to pay a supplier or wages of staff
    • If owners introduce cash via savings or a loan this will not affect the profit figure