RE- ontological

Cards (18)

  • ontological
    proves god's existance
    deductive, a priori
  • ontological-st.anselm background
    anselm-catholic monk. Wrote his argument as a prayer. Saying of course you exist god it's self evident. He said people are fools for not believeing in god.
    'fools in their heart say theres no god'
  • God
    That than which nothing greater can be conceived
  • Absolutely nothing is greater than God
  • Fools can understand that God is the greatest
  • Something that exists in the mind
    Is less than something that exists in both the mind and reality
  • Everyone believes that things that exist in both the mind and reality are greater than those that exist only in the mind
  • God existing in the mind
    Is less than God existing in both the mind and reality
  • Even fools agree that a God that exists in both the mind and reality is better than one that exists only in the mind
  • If God is the greatest
    He must exist in reality
  • If God is the greatest, then He has all the greatest attributes, and existence is one of them
  • Anselms ontological -part 2
    If god exists= just like any other human that currently exists. God -'is that than nothing greater can be concieved' Necessary being > than a contingent being. God = greates= necessary being
  • Ontological developments - descartes

    Premises = 'god is a supremely perfect being'. 2nd premises= certain qualities objects have or it wouldnt be that object. Example- TRIANGE, MOUNTAINS AND VALLEYS. Doesnt matter if i know what a triangle is the predicates stay the same. God = supremely perfect being . God = all perfections or he wouldnt be supremely perfect. 1 predicate of supremely perfect= existance. existance= necessary predicate. if a being didnt exist= flaw. As hes supremely perfect=exists
  • developement of the ontological-malcolms background
    American philosopher. Agreed with kants criticisms, developed anselms 2nd argument.
  • developement of the ontological-malcolm
    God= absolutley unlimited being. God must be necessary being or his existance= impossible. if god exists, his existance= necessary. necessary being = doesnt need something else to bring it into existance- nothing canm
  • challenges- ontological- gaunilo
    Tried to show anselms ontological= logically ridiculous. Using anselm's logic- you can claim anything you describe from your mind = greatest. Must also exist in reality. Guanilo's example- perfect island. As the island existing in reality = ridiculous, all similar arguments must also fail as its using the same logic.
  • ontological- anselms response to gaunilo
    Gaunilo's example didnt work as its impossible to imagine greatest island that is perfect- can always add an extra tree or bench to make it more perfect. God= perfect in everyway so can be described as the greatest. Arguments only apply to god not island as only god = greatest
  • Ontological challenges- critic 2 kant
    Criticism 1 - Existance is not a predicate- aimed at descarte.
    Kant agreed every object have predicates that make the object that object but added existance= not a predicate of anything. Triange - 3 predicates but you wouldnt say it exists. Descartes said predicate of being supremely perfect= existance so god exists. Kant- existance isnt a predicate of being supremely perfect. Kant argued descartes hasnt proved god exists