RE- evil and suffering

Cards (12)

  • Problem of suffering + evil- J.L.Mackie
    His approach- known as logical problem of evil. Australian philospher. Formulated the 'inconsistant triad'. Said logically inconsistant for the 3 statements to exist stimulaneously- god is omnipotent, god is omnibenevolent, evil exists. If you group any 2 of the statements of the traingle it negates the 3rd. Could'nt be a all-powerful,all-loving god if he was, hed stop suffering
  • evil + suffering- the inconsistant triad- onnipotence
    Capable of any feat, including creating a universe where theres no evil. For mackie omnipotence naturally incorporates omniscience.
  • evil + suffering- the inconsistent triad- omnibenevolence
    God, in his loving kindness, would want to remove all evil so that his creation did not suffer
  • evil + suffering- the inconsistent triad- evil exists
    Undeniable as evil is so tangible in its effects to attemt to deny its existance is nonsensical
  • evil + suffering - solving the inconsistant triad- removing omnipotence
    If we remove omnipotence from god, we can understand the existance if evil. As god may love his creation and want it to be free of evil and suffering. he lacks the power to make it possible.
    god is part of the universe he did not have the power to remove evil
  • evil + suffering- solving inconsistant triad- removing omnibenevolence
    God would have the power to stop evil but he chooses not to
  • evil + suffering- solving inconsistant traid- removing existance of evil
    If we remove evil, god is able to retain his omnibenevolence and omnipotent. If we can see the universe in the way god does, we might see suffering isnt evil, but has a purpose that we dont understand yet
  • evil + suffering- mackies thoughts on inconsistant triad
    Theodicies dont solve the problem of evil as they have changed the premises. Only solution he sees is to deny that god is a continuing being
  • evil + suffering- William rowe
    Wrote about intense human and animal suffering. He argued it seemed reasonable that god would allow some form of suffering as it would enable humans to grow and develop. Could'nt accept god allowing intense suffering. Believed animal suffering seemed pointless. His approach referred to as the evidental problem of evil as it considers whether the existance of evil can be used as evidence to argue the case against the existance of god
  • evil + suffering - Gregory Paul
    Specific focus on premature deaths. Argues the death of so many innocent children challenges the existance of god. Since god first spoke to man 350 billion childre have died naturally, he calls this 'the holocaust of the children'. No all-loving + powerful god should alllow this. Therefore god does not exist
  • Evil + suffering- Augustinian- type theodicy
    Augustine initally influenced by manichaeism- emphasised the duality of dark and light. God = spirit of light, heavens, our souls. Satan = spirit of darkness, source of material world. Absoltue dualism believes our soul= sparks of light trapped in a filthy material body.
  • evil + suffering - augustinian type theodicy- 4 branches
    evil as a consequence of sin
    evil as a privation
    evil as a result of the fall of human beings and creation
    the cross overcoming evil