A constitution that is written down on one place?
A constitution that cannot be changed easily?
A constitution that gives power to the states?
Bageshot's The English Constitution?
Parliament Act is an example of?
Salisbury ________ is an example of?
AV Dicey Introduction to the Study of Law of the Constitution
What gave British people human rights?
Somerset v Stewart 1772 which outlawed slavery on the UK islands is an example of?
Eskine May Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament
Gus o Donnell's Cabinet Manual
Establishing the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and NI Assembly?
What establishes the principles of frequent parliaments, free elections and Parliamentary Privilege?
The Factortame judgement which established that EU Law is higher than UK Law
The fact the House of Lords could only delay Fox Hunting Ban but not stop it, as it was in Labour'1997 Manifesto