A method I used to collect data on the emotional factor was the POMS. I completed the POMS alone, in a quiet space to ensure I wouldn't become distracted. I also clarified any unknown words with my teachers so I would have a full understanding of what I was being asked. The POMS was in the layout of a table. It contained 65 statements down the left hand side. The statements were split into 6 groups; Anger, Confusion, Depression, Fatigue, Tension and Vigour. After reading each feeling, I would then answer with either 'not at all', 'a little', 'moderately', 'quite a lot', or 'extremely' based on wether or not I had felt that way in the past week. Once I had answered all of them, I then clicked 'Analyse' to receive my score and identified my strengths and weaknesses. Finally, I made sure to keep my results safe so that I could compare them to my re-tested results at the end of my PDP.