Germany S3 L1-L3

Cards (50)

  • What impact does an economic depression have on any country?
  • Impacts of an economic depression
    • Inflation
    • Fall in wages, world trade and government income
    • Greater divisions in coalition governments
    • Increased votes for extremist parties, nationalism and despair
  • The impact of 'Black Thursday'
    1. 24th October 1929- New York stock exchange fall of share prices
    2. 29th October- another collapse- the value of the largest American companies lost $10 billion + smaller investors lost savings
    3. Impact companies bankrupt, workers lost jobs
    4. Banks called in existing loans Germany fell into depression
  • German economic recovering (1924-28)

    Largely financed by US loans
  • After wall street crash loans dried up
    Banks who lended money on short term loans asked for immediate repayment
  • USA-large overseas market for Germany
    Now in demand for imported goods
  • 1929-1932-export + trade declined 61%// industrial production 58% of 1928 level
  • Impact of the depression
    • Industrial production
    • Companies (foreign trade collapse)
    • Banks (may crisis 1931)
    • Unemployment (increased)
    • Industrial areas
    • White Collar workers (badly hit)
    • Farming
  • Farming declined in 1929-1932 by 11%
  • Companies bankrupt + workers reductant
  • Even companies that survived cut hours & wages of workers
  • July 1931-closed Stock exchange 2 days to provide financial system temporary respite
  • 1932-% of all German workers 8 million estimated
  • Areas most impacted by the depression
    • Depression in the Ruhr, Silesia (main port cities)
  • Impacts on white collar workers
    • Reductions in salaries
    • Civil servants- severe cuts in workforce + reductions in salaries
  • Farming struggled in 'golden age'
  • Prices collapsed
  • Exports of agriculture produce declined
  • Sales of food fell- Germany had less money to spend
  • Forced to give up farming- banks demanded repayment of loans-unemployment for landowners
  • The impact unemployment had on society-Poverty
  • Unemployment welfare benefits
    WR well-developed system, but cost-overwhelmed budget so-1930- limited amount of benefits
  • People were only entitled a fixed amount of relief then it was the responsibility of the local authorities (less generous)
  • Women less benefits than men +younger people less than adults
  • Impact worse for towns that depended on one industry eg.) Glassworks in Brand-Erbisdorf depression
  • Poverty rising increase in poor nutrition + living conditions eg.) TB and Rickets
  • Suicide rate increased
  • Shanty towns on outskirts of cities increased
  • Average family diet- 'too little to live on, too much to die from'
  • Impacts on young people
    • High unemployment rate eg.) Hamburg- 14-25 yr old male unemployment in June 1933-39% // women = 25.2%
    • Gangs of young men congregated in public spaces - caused alarm among older middle-class citizens - thought that the increased involvement in crime meant more young men were being drawn into extremist political organisations
  • Convictions didn't increase - no. of 14-25 yr olds who were accused increased
  • Theft increased during depression as well as youths charged with offences against the state eg.) participating in violent disorder during political demonstrations reflected the political situation
  • Extremist groups that young men joined
    • KPD-success-working-class youths from wild cliques to engage in street battles with their opponents
    • Paramilitary organisations of nationalist right did the same
    • SA+Hitler youth-gave boys + men: food, shelter, uniforms = excitement of street battles
  • Youth membership not stable + not much contact with political extremities
  • Females involved less
  • Female proportion of workforce increased during depression
  • Unemployed reignited debate of whether married women should be employed
  • Campaign (right wing) = 'double earners'
  • May 1932-law allowing married women civil servants to be dismissed if economic circumstance was secure-symbolic victory
  • After law passed, Reich postal service dismissed 1000 married women