
Cards (36)

  • Rotation is Earth's turning on its imaginary line from east to west or in counterclockwise direction.
  • It is daytime on the side that receives sunlight.
  • Axis is an imaginary line at the Earth's center that passes from one pole to the opposite pole.
  • High tide is experienced by the side of Earth facing the moon.
  • The deflection of wind and water currents of Earth is called the Coriolis Efect.
  • Latitude is the distance measured from 0 degrees to 90 degrees north and south of the equator.
  • The rise and fall of the bodies of water is called tide.
  • Longitude is the distance measured from 0 to 180 east or west of the prime meridian.
  • 24 hours is the length of time of the Earth's complete rotation around its axis.
  • Revolution is the movement of Earth. It is the Earth's orbit around the sun.
  • We call the plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun the plane of the ecliptic.
  • The time when earth is farthest from the sun is called aphelion.
  • Equinox is either of the two times each year when the sun appears directly overhead at the equator, and the day and night are of equal length.
  • The time when the earth is closest to the sun during its revolution is called perihelion.
  • One complete revolution of Earth is called one year.
  • Solstice is the time of year when the sun is farthest north of the equator.
  • summer solstice is about June 22.
  • winter solstice is about December 22.
  • A year with 366 days is called leap year.
  • A group of stars is called constellation.
  • Planet Earth belong to the sun's family called the solar system.
  • The sun is the star where the celestial bodies move around.
  • Axis is the fixed point where each planet rotates.
  • The spinning movement is called rotation.
  • the solar system is a group of celestial bodies move around.
  • Each planet revolves around the sun in imaginary paths called orbits.
  • The gravitation and inertia make possible for the planets not to fall of into space or move out of their orbits.
  • One complete rotation of a planet makes a day
  • A year is one complete revolution of a planet around its sun.
  • An ellipse is a closed curve formed around two fixed points.
  • Gravity or gravitational pull is the force that holds the planets and moons in their orbits.
  • The earth's nearest neighbor is Venus.
  • The planets are large celestial body.
  • Most planets have satellites that travel around them as they revolve around the sun. This satellites are called moons.
  • Earth and Jupiter are prolate planets, meaning they are flattened at the poles.
  • Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.