netmovement of molecules from a region of highconcentration to a region of lowconcentrationdown a concentrationgradient
passive, doesn't require energy
molecules move until equilibrium is reached- nonetchange in number of molecules
what factors affect the rate of diffusion?
steepness of concentration gradient
surfacearea of membrane
type/size of molecule entering/exiting
thickness of membrane
membranepermeability of molecule
facilitated diffusion?
same as diffusion just involving carrier/channelproteins for moving polar/larger molecules (larger than carbon dioxide)
movement of watermolecules from a solution with a higher concentration of freewater molecules to a lower concentration with freewater molecules moving down a concentrationgradient through a PPM.
active transport?
moving molecules against a concentration gradient from a lower -> higher concentration
requires ATP
channel/carrierproteins involved
exocytosis/endocytosis (bulk transport?)
exo: molecules enclosed in vesicle transported out of the cell when vesicle fuses with surface and releases content
endo: membrane bulged inwards, wraps around particle and pinchesoff to form a vesicle inside the cell.