Social learning theory

Cards (14)

  • SLT
    a way of expolaining behaviour which includes both direct and indirect reinforcement
    combines learning theory with cognitive factors
  • vicarious reinforcement
    • reinformcement which is indirect
    • occurs through observing someone else being reinforced for a behaviour
  • vicarious reinforcement
    • behaviour is learned from expirence
    • SLT proposes that behaviour is learnt through observation and immitation of others
    • learning occurs (directly)- through classical and opernat conditoning and indirectly
  • immitation only occurs if the beahviour is seen to be rewarded( reinforced) rather than punished
  • learner observes a behaviour but also observes the consequences of a behaviour
  • immitation
    copying the behaviour of others
  • identification
    people (especially children) are more likely to imitate people they identify with (role model)
  • modelling
    the process of immitating a role model
  • the behaviour of a role model is also called modelling
  • role model

    seen to possess similar charcteristics to the observer
    have high status
    could be physically present eg. mother
    media role model
  • mediational processes

    cognitive factors (eg. mental/thinking) which influence learning
    seen as the bridge between behaviourist approach and cogntive approach
    the mental factors mediate in the learning process to determine whether a new response is acquired.
  • four mediational processes identifies by Bandura
    1. attention- the extent to which we notice certain behaviours
    2. retention- how well the behaviour is remembered
    3. motor reproduction- the ability of the observer to perfom the behaviour
    4. motivation- the will to perfom the behaviour, which is often determined by whether the behaviour was rewarded or punished
  • relate to learning of behaviour
    • attention
    • retention
  • relate to performance of behaviour
    • motor reproduction
    • motivation