A form of art that features live performances by actors or actresses who present real or imagined events before a live audience. They perform to their audience through their dialogues, songs, dance, music, andevengestures.
The term came from the Greek word "théatron" that can be translated as a means "tosee," "towatch," or "toobserve."
History of Theater
GreekTheater - Tohonor their Gods
AncientTheater - Established the Theatron
RomanTheater - Festivaltheater (street theater, acrobatics, and comedy)
Medieval Theater - They performed in markets, publicplaces, festivals, and travelled to other places to keep theater alive
RenaissanceTheater - Mysteryplays formed a part of religiousfestivals
BaroqueTheater - Use of technology in performances
NeoclassicalTheater - Costumes & sceneries were highly elaborated. Main concepts is to entertain and teach lessons
RomanticTheater - melodrama and operas became most popular theatrical form
An art and musical form in which singers and musicians perform a dramaticwork combining text (called libretto) and a musicalscore.
Opera originated in Italy at the end of the 16th century.
They combined poetry and music, creating plays that incorporate songs, spokenlanguage, dance, and string or windinstruments accompanied by music.
The word opera means "work".
Music is usually performed by a full orchestra, but sometimes smaller ensembles are also used
In an opera, the dialogue is not spoken; rather, it is sung entirely in a manner known as recitative - wherein a singer adopts the rhythms of regular speech
Text used in an opera
Musical Score
Written form of a musical composition
Opera house
Cultural center
Stage Elements of a Greek Theatre
Theatron (audience)
Spectacle in theatre
The visual elements of a play created for the theatrical event, involving scenery, costumes, and special effects
The background used in theatricalperformance
The distinctive style of clothing an individual or group wears in theater performance, reflecting their class, gender, profession, ethnicity, nationality, activity, or epoch
Special Effects
Mechanical effects, including mechanized props, scenery, scale models, animatronics, pyrotechnics, and atmospheric effects