Shadow Puppet Theater is a well-known Indonesian theater popular not only in their own country but spread in several countries around the world
WAYANG KULIT (in Central Java) is one of the oldest continuous traditions of storytelling in the world which includes the use of puppet materials and background musical accompaniment to make it interesting to the audience
Wayang is an Indonesian and Malay word for "theater".
When the term is used to refer to kinds of PuppetTheater, sometimes the puppet itself is referred to as wayang.
Kulit means skin and refers to the leather construction of the puppets that are carefully-cut into a very fine tools and supported with carefully- shaped buffalo horn handles and control rods.
The audience is the most important person in a Wayang Kulit performance.
The dalang prepares all the materials used like the cloth and the light for the shadow.
The puppet on the right side signifies the goodcharacter
on the left hand side, the bad.
• is the puppeteer
is characterized by his being creative, humorous, and flexible
manipulates the puppets, sings, and taps out signals to the orchestra
speaks the parts of all the characters
The use of voice interchangeably is the main ability of a dalang to give more life to a different character.
WayangKulit was performed in royal court and widely performed in public on religious occasions
The dalang is the chief performer who told a story to the accompaniment of gamelan ensemble.
GAMELAN EnsembleWayangKulit ⚫
is comprised mainly by bronze percussion instruments augmented by other percussion instruments, strings, and a flute.
GAMELAN Ensemble
1. Saron -xylophone of heavy bronze bars
GAMELAN Ensemble
2. Gender -bronze xylophone with resonance chambers beneath
GAMELAN Ensemble
3. Bonang - set of bronze bowls
GAMELAN Ensemble
4. Gong and Kempul - hanging gongs
GAMELAN Ensemble
5. Kenong and Ketuk - single inverted bronze bowl
GAMELAN Ensemble
6. Gambang -wooden xylophone
7. Rebab -two-stringed fiddle
GAMELAN Ensemble
8. Suling -flute
GAMELAN Ensemble
9. Kendang -horizontal drum beat with the fingers on both ends
GAMELAN Ensemble
10. Tjelempung - a zither of thirteen double strings
The dalang sings the mood songs (suluk) at regular intervals during performance.
Suluk are never accompanied by the full gamelan ensemble